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Sunday, July 14, 2019

What Are Your Thoughts On This? Could Salisbury Use Another Dog Park?


  1. It'll keep the geese away from that lot.

    There won't be a blade of grass and, if it's kept up like the other dog park, it'll be full of muddy holes that seem to never get filled.

  2. Yes...let's ignore the crime and blight. The City is truly going to the dogs!!!

  3. We only need another dog park if we can put Jake day in a pen in the park and leave him there for all other dogs to piss on. Hell no we don't need a damn dog park.

  4. a simple google search will show that a 4ft fence isn't quite high enough. Needs about another foot unless medium-large dogs are not permitted. Joke City

  5. Well I have always said "This city is going to the Dogs" so why not? Also the place does stink like "Dog" crap and the local govt. is full of crap so...

  6. Rediculous ! Another eye sore to come, just
    look at the other one!!

  7. We don't take our dog to the dog park anymore. Owners show up unleashed their dogs and play on their phones. No supervision. Plus it is alway muddy.

    1. You are certainly right about being non supervised. I know these are pack animals but they could at least try to keep their dogs from ambushing every new dog that enters or call them if their dog is being aggressive. My dog was hurt twice trying to run from them. Haven’t been back since.

  8. It's OK with me as long as Jake walks the dogs and cleans up the poo!!

  9. The City park, which already has a big dog park, is ~1 mile from downtown. It has easy parking and access to trails, Ben's Red Swing, and Zoo! This is another "pet" project that ONLY serves a few and only DOWNTOWN.

    The city should encourage dog owners to walk their dogs around the park and scare off the geese (the ones Jake didn’t kill) – talk about killing two birds with one stone.

  10. When you go to their fb page the city now claims "named one of america's most affordable beach towns for 2019"

    Since when are we a "beach town" and where is this supposed "beach"

    What a friggin joke.

    Oh and who is paying to maintain this new mud hole, I mean dog park? Taxpayers of course.

    1. I don’t think the city is maintaining it. I was under the impression it was donations but then again it is city property so they probably are “maintaining “ it.

    2. I don’t think the city is maintaining it. I was under the impression it was donations but then again it is city property so they probably are “maintaining “ it.

  11. Thankfully I don't live in Salisbury so they can do what they want. I however would never take my dog to a dog park in that area. To many Pitbulls whose owners don't control them. It only takes one time and you lose your dog because of an irresponsible owner.

  12. Maybe they should use the Mayors office. They could rent it out by the hour

  13. Salisbury is a dog park , many dogs holding positions in the government. The mini-me pink poodle is Jake the snake. Captain courageous , mini infantry officer


  14. How about fencing in the Salisbury Mall site to let the puppies run?

    And if they buy a little in ground decorative pool and a couple of bags of sand the Woodchuck will be able to take selfies at 'bury Beach!

  15. Dog park = less guess when put in the right place

  16. No one is enough. We do not need any additional parks or playgrounds either. Let’s maintain what we have before expanding.

  17. Politicians have gone to the dogs in The Bury. Might as well turn the rest over to the dogs too.

  18. Did not know they even had 1. Sure as heck don't need another.

    Surely that money could go to fund MAC., Inc.

  19. Yeah, like we need another pot hole or gay crosswalk.

  20. No. You don't need anymore play grouns either. Just a place to exchange drugs. Would be nice if dog owners would just keep their dogs on a lease (sic?) And out of my yard. Hateful neighbors.

  21. Jake Day: So Much Promise, So Little Delivered

    On paper, Jake has everything it takes to be a great mayor. The reality, however...is disappointing, to say the least.

    Building an performance venue/amphitheater right next to a busy state highway, for instance. What the f**k was he thinking?

    Perhaps the dog park will be built next to a center for anxious cats. It makes about as much sense.

    God almighty, Salisbury...let's get someone in the Mayor's Office who can fulfill their potential and push this town in the right direction.

  22. Never , ever take your dog to a dog park.
    It's way to dangerous ! People don't have
    their dogs trained properly to commands & your
    dog is subject to attack in such an uncontrolled

  23. I can't help to wonder what the fence will be made of that is going to surround the dog park. Jake HATES chain link fencing. He says it lowers the value of properties... oh wait, he later said it was poor aesthetics. Which is it darn it? Anyway, let's see him show off his hypocritical self once again. If he does put up PVC he's a dope to boot! PVC needs maintenance cleaning constantly or it will look horrible.
    There is another person running for mayor. His name is Wayne King. Look him up.
    Oh, I won't bring my dog into the dog park if there is a pitbull in it. I saw a pitbull fight down at the park. One dog got its paw broken, and the owner was bleeding all over the place after getting bit trying to break up the fight. FUN STUFF! Let's add another park.

  24. Hardly anyone even lives down there except some very respectable section 8 housing condo units and that apartment complex on Riverside Dr. So, Friday nights you can go to the fights. The dog fights!
    Realistically, if you want to add a dog park it should be up in the Camden area, so there is a park on both sides of town.

  25. Jake Day must think in his own mind that he is the only person with 'good ideas' so he comes up with these stupid ideas that wastes our hard earned tax dollars.

  26. Dog parks have been shown to be potential lawsuits and most get a bad rap, they are not managed and rules are not obeyed. To think that you ask the public that you don't take into consideration on the really big topics, like the Festival, roads, crime #1 & #2, stupid landscaping dont's, the orange bicycles, motorized bikes, city fences, no Mayors Roundtable Meetings for communities, a downtown that is now just a mecca of bars, abandoned houses, weeds throughout the cities 3' and higher even down the center concrete slabs holding trees & flowers really, dog parks is what you care about?

  27. This idiot just can't think of enough ways to piss money away

  28. Where’s all the money coming from,5years to finish downtown must have broke the city.


  29. Whether another dog park is warranted somewhere in the city could be a legit question. The one behind the Civic Center doesn't look too snazzy based on occasional rides past.

    But the parcel of land pictured is a terrible spot for another. It provides a bit of greenery for pedestrians and visitors to the marina area, and could be a place to stretch the legs for workers in the area. The fencing will torpedo the view, and cars of dog owners will congest the scarce parking. It is a busier traffic area so any dog who slips the leash will be loose in a high traffic area and likely to be injured.

    There are almost certainly better locations elsewhere. If the current one was getting rave reviews and viewed as a well run amenity, then and only then should another one be considered.


  30. NO SHADE! Dogs will run in the hot sun and people will sit in it on
    hot park benches. No fresh water, either.

    Too noisy and busy for quiet activity time with dogs.

    A visual distraction for drivers on that busy street.

    One more job for the already overstretched public works department.

    It'll be an eyesore in a short time, then stay that way. A fenced-in dirt yard full of muddy holes, less than 50 yards from a hospital.

  31. #chainlinkmatters

  32. Jake Day, we don't need another damn dog park. Hardly anyone uses it.

    Spend that money on fighting crime in this damn GHETTO!

    DAMN!! Will someone please run against that Progressive LIBTARD!!

  33. Properly designed dog parks will have several fenced areas for specific-sized dogs.
    The whole point of it is to release the dogs so they can run free in open space.
    Obviously, they are only needed in urban areas such as Salisbury City limits.
    Get it?

    Thank you

  34. "...their humans will have a space to run off some energy..."?

  35. How about a Goose Park ??

  36. Why not fix the streets of Salisbury, some
    dangerous for cars to even travel.

    Dog Parks are asking for trouble. Already
    heard of a fight between 2 Pitts. Think the
    owner can control them=====think again , they
    can't !

  37. I hate dog parks. They are gross. No one could pay me enough take my dog to one. Full of disease and parasites.

  38. " Anonymous said...

    Thankfully I don't live in Salisbury so they can do what they want. I however would never take my dog to a dog park in that area. To many Pitbulls whose owners don't control them. It only takes one time and you lose your dog because of an irresponsible owner.

    July 10, 2019 at 10:19 AM"

    Dangerous dogs aside no responsible dog owner takes their dog to a dog park. Too much chance of disease and parasites. I know poop scooping is required but would you take your child to a playground if the children were all pooping on the ground and required to be pick up? The answer is I doubt it. so why would you take your dog to such a disgusting place? I know my dog is part of the family and is treated as such. No dog park for him.

  39. There are a lot of ppl who live down town who own dogs so it would be used. If the city owns the one in the park they should focus on that. The new one should have turf to avoid the muddy problems and a water pump for water and shade. I would assume they would get liability insurance cause lets face it dogs will be dogs. I would rather have the park own town so i dont have to manage dog poo and human poo when I walk to work.

  40. Yeah the city should spend 5 million dollars for the old mall property to put a dog park.

  41. I agree dog parks are gross and disgusting. Hell would free over before I would knowing let mine run around in an area that is literally full of crap. I know poop scooping is the rule but residue still remains getting all over your dogs feet. I would hope people would have the common sense to disinfect the dogs feet before letting them go in the house. The thought of my dog playing in a dog park and then coming inside without having his feet cleaned really grosses me out. They are spreading the crap all over the house floors and rugs.


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