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Sunday, July 14, 2019

USWNT shuts out Netherlands to win another World Cup

LYON, France — The United States won its record fourth Women’s World Cup title and second in a row, beating the Netherlands 2-0 Sunday night when Megan Rapinoe converted a penalty kick in the second half and Rose Lavelle added a goal.

Rapinoe, the pink-haired U.S. captain who grabbed world-wide attention on and off the field, scored in the 61st minute after a video review determined Stefanie van der Gragt had fouled Alex Morgan with a kick to the shoulder in the penalty area.

Two days past her 34th birthday, Rapinoe slotted the ball past goalkeeper Sari van Veenendaal for her 50th international goal, her sixth of the tournament to win the Golden Ball as scoring leader. The oldest player to score in a Women’s World Cup final, she struck a familiar victorious pose with arms outstretched.



  1. There still a bunch of Lesbien TRAITORS for taking a knee to our Anthem in ANOTHER COUNTY.

  2. Awesome team, great players.

  3. I only missed the game because I had something much more exciting than a soccer game on my schedule today.
    I painted my bedroom and watched the paint dry.

  4. Politics aside, congrats ladies and great job on the field.

  5. The most BORING sport ever devised.
    "But", people say, "it's the most popular sport in the world!"
    Here's why:
    Most of the countries in the world cannot afford bases; pads; helmets; bats; scoreboards; dedicated fields and stadiums; a football; a baseball, etc., etc., etc.
    No. All you need to get a soccer game going is something round to kick, and two rocks signifying a goal area.
    You don't even need clothes.
    Most of the world can come up with that.
    "Well", they say, "They packed that stadium in France."
    Yes, but only because France doesn't know any better.
    (Have you ever heard of a French Baseball Team? A French Football Team?)

  6. Sorry, girls, you can shove that trophy where the sun don't shine.
    If you are so embarrassed by your country, then take the damn "USA" off of your shirt.
    You DO NOT represent ME.
    I love sports, but not when your team feels the need to insult your country on a world stage, and even worse, tie-in sports with politics.
    You may have won the World Cup, but you are world class losers in my book.

  7. They may have WON but there still TRAITORS.

  8. This is an American team. Replace these members with Americans. Let those with a chip on their shoulder hang out in one of Delaware's beaches where they welcome each other. I never go there because of their Meat Market reputation.

  9. Your anti gay post is uninformed and pathetic. Says much more about who you are then who they are.

  10. 3:21 & 3:51 I agree with you guys, they might have won at soccer but they are definitely losers in every respect. "F" them.

  11. We provide protection for the country these privileged white kids took a knee in. With out USA they would be speaking Russian. 2-0 I would rather watch paint dry. You want more money so you disgrace the country you represent? Not good business. Girls soccer is slower then T Ball.

  12. What makes people take a knee?

  13. I’m not impressed. Kicking a ball into a massive goal with other people helping you? Ridiculous.

  14. 321 safe it all together now. "Snow-.."


  16. Oh, and FYI, I will NEVER watch women's soccer AGAIN !!!

  17. Soccer = boring. Women's soccer= 5 x boring. Don't expect equal pay when nobody cares about the lower skilled talent of women's soccer. Be happy that the game has received any national attention.

  18. The best thing about soccer games are the soccer riots, and woman's soccer doesn't even have that!
    By the way: No wonder there are so many fights and riots at soccer games. It is because there is nothing else to do except watch the most stupid game on earth. (Unless you are an American under 12 years old and mommy won't let you play a real sport, then it makes sense.)
    Here's an entire game:
    Kick the ball. Kick it somewhere else. Kick it. Out of bounds. Fight in the stands. Kick the ball. Kick it back somewhere. Set a fire in the stands. Kick the ball.
    End of game. Nil - nil.
    Riot on the way home.

  19. You guys revere the confederacy which took up arms against the union. But then get your panties in a bunch over someone protesting by taking a knee. Get your logic train back on track please.

    1. Comparing the Civil War to a girlie soccer game? Really? Can't fix stupid.

    2. More like demonstrating your hypocrisy by using specific examples. Looks like that one stung your fweeewings a bit.

  20. The game may be popular somewhere, but this bunch made it very unpopular here. Don't watch, don't care about the game, just care that they were so very unpatriotic in another country when they are supposed to be representing this country. Traitors!!

    1. Lol it would be great if you guys would finally come around to matching your opinions with the facts. Jist check out the revenue for the womens team vs the men.

  21. Not one person from the USA women’s soccer team took a knee. The photo taken of one taking a knee was from 3 years ago. Apparently realized their mistakes.

  22. It will be interesting to see how the TV ratings compile. IMO, Rapinoe shot the LGBTQ in the foot with her anti Trump tirades and the F**K Trump mantra; she displays more testosterone than estorgen. Being invited to the White House is an honor, not for Trump's sake, but all Americans for an accomplishment and a well done. Those who opt out are thumbing their noses at the U.S.A.

  23. Women's sports are boring. Plus I never hear any rootin' tootin' until they start winning. And then when these little girls get a little attention, as all little girls want, they start showing their ass by getting political. They hadn't even won yet, and the purple hair social justice warrior was saying she wouldn't go to the White House. Gotta get that virtue signal in. A better response would have been," we're not here for politics, we're here to take the trophy back to the US. But nooooo, I have all this attention, and like Hollywood, my opinion matters, damn it, so let me look like an ass while I'm at it.

  24. Yes lets give them equal pay. We will wait to see how long the males that identify as a female will take their jobs. Can't wait!!!

  25. Well of course women play soccer and volley ball. You don't see them playing hockey, football, or baseball on the national level. Only low impact sports. And there's not much interest in those, until they start winning. Now volley ball isn't bad to watch. But you can only watch girls hitting a ball over a net with wedgies so long. Then the a$$es all start to look alike. And one forward thinking writer is correct. Wait until the trans women want to jump in, but they may be denied that opportunity. I bet the ratings would go up though.I gaurantee you this, you won't see a trans man on the football field or hockey rink. They know their ass would be grass. That's why they go for women's sports, path of least resistance. Folks it's all bullshit. It's an all about me and money world right now.

  26. who cares about these snowflakes, I just want to know if any of my tax dollars are supporting their privileged lives!

  27. They threw the flag on the group.... #notmyteam

  28. bunch of sore wal mart greeters on here jealous

  29. For 12:13 PM:

    Those "Wal-Mart greeters" were playing that stupid sport in elementary school. It was mandatory then. So was Dodgeball. When they grew up (High School) is when they learned and were allowed to play real sports, and they never looked back on soccer.
    That's a little history lesson for ya, snowflake.

  30. Transgender females at work.

  31. They got their 15 minutes of fame. Now GTFOH.


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