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Thursday, July 25, 2019

WATCH: Surveillance footage from Georgia lawmaker Publix confrontation released

Newly released surveillance footage shows the supermarket confrontation between a black Georgia lawmaker and a white man she accused of making racist comments toward her.

The footage contains no audio but shows Democratic Georgia state Rep. Erica Thomas and Eric Sparkes in what appears to be a verbal altercation. Sparkes approaches Thomas, 31, in the checkout line and Thomas walks toward him. Sparkes then appears to walk away before turning back once more to confront Thomas.

The argument began after Sparkes became upset that Thomas had too many items in the express checkout line at a Publix in Mableton, Georgia. The incident went viral on social media. Thomas posted a tearful video to Facebook on Friday, alleging that Sparkes called her a “lazy son of a bitch” and told her and her 9-year-old daughter “to go back where you came from.”



  1. Good for Sparks , except she was a lazy daughter of a bitch.You learn from your parents.

  2. A false accusation of racism is worse than racism

  3. If she did go back, it make it easier...

  4. Yup she lied. She jumped all over his butt twice. Then went cry face on fakebook how scared she was and her husband wasn’t in country. She actually told him to leave the store and he did. Lol.

  5. If she could read she would have been in the correct check-out line.

  6. It looks like she was the most confrontational in this case.

  7. I'm waiting for Sheree Sample Hughes to do something this stupid.

  8. They can take their "racism" and shove it right up their rank lying arses. They act like being called a racist is the worst thing in the world. Got some news for them. Anymore being called a racist means you told them the truth and they have sunk so low they can't stand to hear the truth so lie and holler racism and racist.


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