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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Oh, poop: Many beaches can be potentially unsafe for swimming, study says

To quote “Jaws”: Get out of the water! Also, ewww.

More than half of 2,627 beach sites tested in a new environmental study — including beaches that are local favorites in Virginia, Maryland and Delaware — were potentially unsafe for swimming on at least one day in 2018.

And 610 of those sites were potentially unsafe at least 25% of the days that sampling took place, according to Environment America.

The organization analyzed bacteria from beaches in 29 coastal and Great Lakes states, as well as Puerto Rico.

For the study, Environment America deemed beaches “potentially unsafe” if the bacteria levels exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency’s most protective “Beach Action Value” threshold — meaning what the EPA believes will cause 32 of 1,000 people to get sick from the water.



  1. All I can say about this one is coming past ocean pines into ocean City on route 90 Tuesday all I could smell was S***!! Lived here all my life so don't even try to give me the excuse of it being Marsh mud or some lame ass excuse like that. It was S*** plain and simple

    1. Worcester County operates a water treatment plant on the north side of rt 90 where it crosses the St Martin River. When the wind is right you can catch a whiff of the process. How you have lived here all your life and not known of this plant is odd. You can see it through the trees.

    2. @8:18 figured there would be one idiot trying to justify the fact that it was more than just the treatment plant or the so called mysterious Marsh mud scenario, what a f'ing jerkoff. I guess the waste in the water is coming from all the recreational boaters right?

  2. When it stays in the 90's for days on end with heavy rains twice a week there's going to be smell coming from places that usually don't.

  3. I hear you 3:45
    Spot on
    Too many humans

  4. I wonder if this has a connection to flesh eating bacteria

  5. When we dump all our CRAP into the water what did you expect?? Foreign ships throw all sorts of crap into the water. Oil tankers spill oil. Oil rig's spill oil. We have had fish in our water Way's with sores for years. Flesh eating bacteria on humans. Not a tree hugger by no means. But we are killing ourselves.

    1. Not just foreign ships. You read about the litigation with Carnival Cruises? Tens of thousands of gallons of waste dumped in the Pacific. Meanwhile, on my cruise they go to great lengths to boast how they recycle and purify waste water for ship systems, other than bathing and drinking.

  6. delaware! lmmfao!

  7. Not to mention flesh eating bacteria is on the rise. For most around here that would be a dieting blessing. In pools now we have festering chlorine resistant Cryptosporidium. Keep you clothes on people and stick to showering.

  8. It's way better than beaches in India where they routinely defecate right on the beach because to poor don't have access to toilets.

  9. OC has loads of it in the water, I've seen it washing up on the sand. Turds, Turds, and more Turds.

  10. oc pines area is a bacterial soup just waiting for some fool to jump in. it aint just the ships. look at the dead zone plumes coming down the bay from baltimore and from the potomac further south. it's all those nasty city dwellers! and we are paying for them to clean up their mess!


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