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Friday, July 05, 2019

WALSH: We Were Told That Kaepernick Was Protesting Police Brutality, Not The Flag. Now The Truth Has Finally Come Out.

There is almost nothing to say about the fact that Nike recalled a patriotic American flag shoe after Colin Kaepernick complained. It is so self-evidently absurd and disgraceful — such a cowardly surrender to political correctness — that analysis is rendered moot.

Kaepernick reportedly felt that the flag — a Betsy Ross flag from the American Revolution — somehow represents slavery. Of course, if the American flag represents slavery, then every flag of every country 200 years old or over also represents slavery. Slavery was a universally accepted institution all across the world for thousands of years. The only thing unique about American slavery is that we practiced it for such a comparatively short amount of time. Egypt had slavery for 3,000 years. We had it for 90. These are facts that have apparently escaped Kaepernick's notice.

The one notable, though far from surprising, aspect of this story is how it finally exposes the truth behind Kaepernick's kneeling stunt. We were told for years that the kneelers were not protesting the flag — or the country or the national anthem, for that matter. A viral tweet with over 300,000 likes summed up this defense: "Rosa Parks was not protesting the bus. Gandhi was not protesting the food. The colonists were not protesting tea. Players are not protesting the flag or the anthem. They are protesting injustice."



  1. I don't buy Nike products anymore...

  2. Another lying jerk who wants attention. Nike is making more money than ever because of him. Go figure.

  3. Who gives a rats ass what he thinks....

  4. There were two Betsey Ross flags hanging in front of the whitehouse for barrack hussein obama's second inauguration

  5. Please why do we continue to even give this clown our time.

  6. He needs to sit down and find out which one of his Great Great Great Grandfathers or Uncles was the one that sold the slaves to the white man ! Iam for one sick and tired of this JugHead


  7. Colon is an idiot. Nike was off their rocker to pay him any heed to start with. Now this.

    They were preparing to appeal to patriotic Americans with their nod to Betsy Ross pasted on one of their shoes in order to make a few extra bucks. When Colon the Crybaby got his nose out of joint they cancelled the product even though they were already in production.

    Most normal Americans already were pissed at them due to their signing Colon as a spokesperson and pitching his ideas. Now all normal Americans have an added reason to buy any shoe but a Nike or Converse or any other brand they run.

    Fie on Nike!


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