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Friday, July 05, 2019

Omar Demonizes Immigration Officials: Time To Discuss ‘Eliminating Their Existence’

Far-left Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) continued to demonize and lie about federal immigration authorities on Wednesday and went as far as to say that she thinks it's time to discuss "eliminating their existence."

Omar made the remarks while speaking to fellow notorious anti-Semite Marc Lamont Hill — who was fired from CNN last year after he called for the elimination of Israel — during an appearance on BET's digital series "Black Coffee Live."

"We have rogue agencies that have no accountability, no transparency, in how they conduct their business," Omar said in a clip first reported by the Free Beacon's Charlie Hoffmann. "We know that they have spoken in the most vile ways about immigrants. We know that they have certain views about, you know, what brown and black people deserve. And so we should be having a conversation about eliminating their existence."



  1. Isn't BET channel still showing The Cosby Show rerun's ? Oh and that's a rhetorical question FYI...

  2. hmmmm

    how about we eliminate her existence in Congress

  3. Omar is a liar and is here illegally; so why is she still in the congress??? get her the hello out now.

  4. Is it just me or does her accent make every statement kinda scary?

  5. No count lying communist. Drag her to the bone

  6. It's Ilhan Omar's existence that should be eliminated.


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