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Friday, July 12, 2019

Trump, 'not backing down', announces executive order

President Trump, speaking at the White House on Thursday, announced that he would "immediately" issue an executive order to get an accurate count of non-citizens and citizens in the United States -- a measure Trump said would be "far more accurate" than relying on a citizenship question in the 2020 census.

The move would make use of "vast" federal databases and free up information sharing among various federal agencies concerning who they know is in the country, Trump said.

"Today I'm here to say we are not backing down in our effort to determine the citizenship status of the United States population," the president told reporters, after slamming Democrats he said were playing politics with national security. "We will leave no stone unturned."

He called legal opposition to adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census "meritless."




  1. Well remove and replace Judges that are actually worth a damn...

  2. #nomorebullshit God Bless America and God Bless President Trump !!!

  3. 906 see we have this thing called checks and balances here. You can't simply remove judges when they don't act according to your political agenda. This is a good thing. If you don't like these checks and balances, you can always head to Venezuela or Iran.

  4. 9:50 they don't realize their thoughts would create a dictatorship because they are partisan. They simply can't comprehend that neither party should have the power to carry out their half-wit ideas.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: I’m almost ready to support giving him temporary dictatorial powers. After observing his actions over the last couple of years, I’m amazed at what he has accomplished given the resistance he has received from marxists from both parties. Most of the things he has accomplished or proposed, I agree with although not 100%. Imagine what he could accomplish if he was not hamstrung by his opposition.

    1. Interesting, what has he accomplished?

      Economy Before: job gains and stock market going strong. With Trump: same

      Defense: before - Russia in Crimea and meddling with US elections. Iran enrichment capped. After - Russia still in Crimea and meddling woth elections. Iran actively enriching

      Immigration: before - system is a mess. After - system is a mess and now you have droves of people piling up at the border

      I could go on. This isnt an anti Trump comment. Its about the fact that you partisan ideologues keep falling for the same smoke and mirrors from both sides of the aisle. Meanwhile nothing gets fixed but they claim to be winning and we just go deeper in debt

    2. You say this isn’t an anti Trump comment but you are fooling no one. Do you realize that is why Trump won? Because he was not a politician. I’m pretty sure most on this blog realize it’s both sides of the aisle. And btw the job market and the stock market were NOT going strong under Obama but nice try. I’m curious. Did you bitch and moan when Obama added more to our debt than any other president? I doubt it. As far as Iran you can thank Obama for Iran actively enriching. Remember that 150 million? So please as I said before that was an anti Trump comment but you keep on being you living in la la land🙄

    3. Northwest Woodsman, who espouses the inferiority of the black race, thinks dictatorial powers are necessary. What a Nazi.

  6. One thing about it you can be sure the figures will be the most accurate we have ever had and it's about time. Thanks to the one President who will find the truth in all our lazy deceiving lies which we have been fed for decades.


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