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Friday, July 12, 2019

Maryland County's policy gives illegal immigrants benefits US citizens, others not entitled to

The Washington Post recently published an article about Prince George's County Police Department's policy on releasing illegal immigrants they encounter who are found to have warrants for their arrest.

In an instructional video linked in the article, Maryland's Prince George's County Police Chief Henry Stawinski and FOP president John Teletchea instruct police officers that they are not to cooperate with federal warrants for “civil” matters involving illegal immigrants. Chief Stawinski states, “Let’s be clear, the intent of this policy is to keep both you, and our community, safe.” This statement is laughable. Even worse, it’s dangerous, shortsighted and unforgivable.

Let me be clear. What Chief Stawinski and FOP president Teletchea are really saying is this. “The intent of this policy is to protect illegal immigrants, not our officers or the community we serve. We would rather wait until illegal immigrants have had a chance to commit a violent crime against our officers, our local community or other innocent American citizens and legal immigrants before we cooperate with the federal government in removing them.”

More here



  1. Right just like the slap in your face where you have to provide you live here and are a citizen but the illegals who clearly can't prove all of that, get drivers licences and can vote... While I just got a recall on my licences as we speak, becasue I didn't show the same documents I have shown for 30 years as a citizen, for my stupid real ID card which is no different than the previous licence but with a god damn stupid start on it... SO now I can't get on an air plane or anything until I get them the documents...

    And you dumb asses can't see the govt is doing everything in its power to provoke you... Slap you in the face if you will...

  2. Hogan, Miller and this woman that replaced the worthless Busch are promoting these illegals to stay in Maryland. These Politians are enabling these illegals while stealing money from the State Employees Retirement Fund and not repaying with interest. I might also ask where are the worthless Unions that are supposed to be protecting workers that are citizens? Unions are enabling these worthless Politians and throwing the workers under the bus.

  3. State employees are now permitted to drop out of the unions now that membership is no longer mandatory. In all the years I had to pay dues they never once did anything but pat themselves on the back for doing nothing.

  4. Federal Law Enforcement officers should arrest those two.

  5. This crap has to stop.

  6. The hanging list keeps getting longer.....

  7. The more people in Maryland the more Congressionsal representatives.

  8. I truly believe now is the time for the Eastern Shore to break away from the western side of the Bay and form the state of East Maryland. It would give the Shore a state that is truly representative of it's people.


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