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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Trump food stamp proposal would finally kick millionaires off

The Trump administration has proposed a new rule that could lift millions of people out of dependency, all by closing a loophole in the food stamp program, one that currently allows millionaires to collect welfare.

In today’s divided political climate, both parties can agree: People with significant financial resources, including millionaires, should not receive food stamps.

But that’s exactly what’s happening today, all because of a little-known loophole that was exploited by both the Clinton and Obama administrations.



  1. I see a number of people driving BMW and Escalades using welfare

    1. Unbelievable but it WAS Obama who increased welfare by 33% aka BUYING VOTES

  2. And the EBT SHRIMP N CRAB CROWD )))))))))))

  3. The freeloaders and takers. I know who they are. Trust me... To boot a VERY high percentage of them vote Democrat or are future Democrats I will bet...

  4. Seen a show where a DuPont was on food stamps in philly shacked up with a stripper.


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