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Thursday, July 25, 2019

FBI: 1,000 Open Investigations into Chinese Intellectual Property Theft

FBI Director Christopher Wray told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday his agency has almost a thousand open investigations into intellectual property theft, almost all of them “leading back to China.”

“There is no country that poses a more severe counterintelligence threat to this country right now than China,” Wray said.

“It is a threat that’s deep and diverse and wide and vexing. It affects basically every industry in this country,” he said of Chinese intellectual property theft.

“And so, we’re working extremely hard with all of our partners to combat it,” he assured the Senate Judiciary Committee. “But make no mistake, this is a high priority for all of us.”

Voice of America News summarized some key points from Wray’s testimony:


  1. We all need to buy American when ever we can.

  2. It only took, what, 50 years to act on this?
    While stationed in the Far East in the early 70's, I bought newly pressed brand-new bootleg record albums from "RCA" and others for 10 cents
    I bought a complete set of re-printed bootleg "Encyclopedia Britannia" (18 books) for $5.75.
    I stayed in a dumpy, 12-room "Sheraton Hotel" for $4.00 a night; smoked "Marlboro" cigarettes made with questionable tobacco for a nickel a pack.
    Copywrites; trademarks; patents; brand names, etc., meant absolutely NOTHING to the Asians.
    This isn't anything new, except now we finally have a President that is looking out for Americans and American business!

  3. They have been trying to steal my trademark for the past 2 years.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: I have been aware of this activity since 1978 when I was a federal special agent conducting investigations within the aerospace community in Southern California. Obviously they have continued ineffective personnel security investigations if they have allowed any Chinese nationals or even naturalized citizens, to work on classified programs. I have said all along that the Chinese are not our friends. Currently, I’d bet we couldn’t field a military force to fend off an attack or invasion without the Chinese providing such basic items as boots, belts, and not withstanding, spare parts, electronic communications equipment and the list goes on.

  5. Apple product that cost American consumer 150.00 the same product advertised online for 30.00! Apple and China are both guilty


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