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Friday, July 12, 2019

Secret Iranian Nuclear Weapons Facility Still Up and Running

Iran never ended critical nuclear weapons work at a controversial underground military bunker that remains operational to this day and able to "enrich uranium to weapons grade" levels. That is according to a new watchdog report that has reignited calls for the Trump administration to close loopholes that have permitted the Islamic Republic to continue its most contested nuclear research.

The new report, issued by the Institute for Science and International Security, confirms suspicions long held by the international community that Iran never dismantled its Fordow research site, as it was required to do under the landmark 2015 nuclear deal. The findings have further fueled concerns about Iran's march towards nuclear weapons, particularly in light of the country's recent threats to enrich uranium, the key component in a bomb, to levels approaching 20 percent purity.

The latest evidence of Iran's continued weapons research has reignited a battle between congressional Iran hawks and the Trump administration, which continues to provide Tehran with a series of sanctions waivers permitting it to continue work at Fordow. Hardliners in Congress have called for an immediate end to these waivers in light of Iran's efforts to blow past restrictions on the amount of highly enriched uranium it stockpiles inside the country.



  1. 1. Of COURSE they haven't dismantled the site under the deal.
    2. Guess what location is most likely on Trump's Top Ten destruction list when and if they get squirrely with America.
    And 3. Unlike just about every other President, Trump does not telegraph his war plans (except in cases when it is feasible to warn the innocent civilians to get the hell out of the way).
    Let them build whatever they want. It'll take five minutes to make it a really nice parking lot.

  2. They would be in luck if they could make a weapon of mass destruction out of Oil. Nuclear weapons are just old cold war puffed up posturing only the faithful ascribed to an Armageddon of deliverance and the rapture deliverance to after life.

    1. Also the supreme leader promised never to use it. So that all that matters really. Vote democrat and save illegals aliens. It’s common sense. Just like banning ALL FIREARMS.common sense.

  3. Obamas Piggy bank Obama's piggy bank

  4. This is all okay, they are donating to the Clinton Foundation so its all good.


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