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Friday, July 12, 2019

Hamas Defection

The Hamas terrorist organization was stung by the recent high-profile defection of one of its top operatives, Suheib Yousef. Yousef is the son of Hamas co-founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef. He is also the brother of Mosab Hassan Yousef, who defected from Hamas in the late 1990s. Mosab provided Israel’s Shin Bet counter-terrorist security service with information on Hamas and ultimately converted to Christianity. He also authored the book, “Son of Hamas,” exposing the group’s corruption, duplicity and brutality.

In an interview with Israel’s Channel 12, Suheib, who was stationed in Turkey before his defection, charged that the Hamas leadership is rife with corruption. According to Suheib, “Hamas leaders (in Turkey) live in fancy hotels and luxury towers, their kids learn at private schools and are very well paid by Hamas, they get between four and five thousand dollars a month, they have guards, swimming pools, country clubs.” He also alleged that they routinely dine in the finest Turkish restaurants, charging hundreds of dollars per meal while the average Gazan makes about $350 per month.

This aspect of Suheib’s revelation was unsurprising. Anyone remotely familiar with the inner workings of Hamas knows that this group of thoroughly corrupted, extortionist gangsters lives the high life at the expense of their kinsmen, and that its venality is matched only by its barbarity. But Suheib also shed disturbing light on Turkey’s role in facilitating Hamas terror operations and advancing Iranian intelligence interests.

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  1. Interpretation: Hamas was created by Mossad

    thank you


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