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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Report: Serious Violence on Rise in Nation’s Public Schools

Federal data released Thursday show serious incidents of violence in the nation’s public schools are on the rise at the same time more schools are employing Obama-era “restorative justice” disciplinary policies and nearly all schools are touting “social emotional learning” (SEL) practices.

A report released by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), an arm of the U.S. Education Department (USED), used data from a sample of 4,803 public schools that participated in the 2017-2018 School Survey on Crime and Safety.

Data show that during the 2017-2018 academic year, an estimated 962,300 violent incidents occurred in U.S. public schools, with 71 percent of schools reporting at least one violent incident.



  1. When I was a kid you got in a fight at school your parents got called and maybe suspension. Now the police come and take children to court. Its ridiculous.

  2. Touch my kid and there Will be more

    1. 7:23 If you are raising your kid right and proper, touching him/her will not even be a thought

  3. Lack of A$$ whippings at home and the intervention of the Government in parenting when there is no need only in about 1% of the child abuse is there a need. Then they don't prosecute the offender.


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