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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Poll Finds Majority in Key Swing State Oppose ‘Medicare for All’

As Democrat presidential candidates prepare for the second round of debates in Detroit next week, the party is hoping the candidate who ends up winning the nomination in 2020 will fare better in Michigan than Hillary Clinton, who managed to lose the reliably blue state to Donald Trump by 10,704 votes, thanks in no small part to bumbling incompetence.

A recent poll, however, suggests that Michigan voters are not on board with the healthcare proposals championed by many of the leading candidates in the field. A survey of likely Michigan voters published this week found that a majority opposes a "Medicare for All" policy that would eliminate private health insurance and replace it with a government-run, single-payer system.

According to the poll, 52 percent of likely voters in Michigan oppose Medicare for All, with nearly 40 percent saying they "strongly oppose" the idea. Just 37 percent of likely voters said they support it.



  1. It's not that Medicare for all Is bad. I just hasn't proved itself a benefit for anyone. It just cost citizens more because it gives FREE care for "all". Read illegals....

  2. It is not MEDICARE for all since the Politians and the rich will not be included.


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