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Tuesday, July 02, 2019

REPORT: 35,000 MORE Africans on way to US via South America

Like the proverbial “bulge in the belly of the snake,” unusually high numbers of non-Latino migrants, obviously not from Central America, are now reportedly passing from Colombia through Panama on their way to the U.S. southern border. Their numbers range to the tens of thousands, whose vanguards we have already seen at the U.S. Southwest Border in recent months: Cameroonians, Ghanaians, Congolese, Haitians, Cubans, and some from the Middle East.

Word of their successful entries into the United States this year clearly reached home countries because now a swell numbering as many as 35,000 is on an infamous migrant passage through which migrants have long funneled from South America to North America: the Darien Gap.

I am told this by two eye-witnesses who have just returned from the Colombia-Panama region on either side of the Gap. One of them is Panama-based author and freelance journalist Chuck Holton, who just visited the Colombian side in the frontier border town of Turbo, which is notorious as a migrant staging area for U.S.-bound migrants to be smuggled through the Darien Gap passage into Panama. The other source is Diane Edrington, a Mississippi-based nurse practitioner who has worked for years as a Panama Missions volunteer and who just returned from camps I visited in December on the Panama side of the Darien Gap.

Holton tells Bensman the word is out on US sanctuary cities.



  1. More migrants more border problems just what we need. Give them a list of Dems homes on all the borders with directions. Then let's see how they deal with it, let all the bleeding hearts feed them, give them jobs, or welfare and provide free medical care and an education.

  2. When will America wake up and understand this is an invasion
    This is how the UK and France were invaded
    We are setting on our rears letting the enemy cross over and into our heartland
    This must be controlled
    How does one afford to cross from Africa to Mexico then walk into Texas
    Soros funding is behind this

  3. I couldn't refrain from commenting. Well written!

  4. I’ve had an epiphany. I now realize why they are letting so many illegals into our country.
    The push for globalization is being defeated by President Trump. Just so you know, globalization is being pushed by the elite business people whose sole purpose is to get cheap labor. They were doing a great job of it here in the U.S. getting rid of our energy wealth and independence, stagnating than reducing our true average household income, putting more people on welfare, lowering our education levels.
    Then came President Trump (who almost single handily) brought back our energy independence, increased true household income, decreased welfare, and brought manufacturing back.
    This ruined the elitists plans for globalization, so what did they do? THEY BROUGHT MASSIVE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION TO THE U.S.
    What are the benefits of illegal immigration for the elite businesses? CHEAP LABOR!!! They have to level incomes across the entire globe and bringing our standard of living down is a necessity.
    So why aren’t the politicians helping close our borders to illegals? Because they are being paid off by the elites. They don’t care about you or me, they just care about themselves.
    THIS WAS MY EPIPHANY!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Fix the immigration system and welcome these folks in. Your social security benefits depend upon it!

    1. How does my social security depend on illegals coming hear and getting FREE healthcare, food, housing, education, and spending money for working off the books

    2. #1 SS is paid for through payroll taxes
      #2 Fix the system so that immigrants can enter legally and obtain jobs. The influx of workers paying pay role taxes increases the solvency of SS
      #3 despite the propaganda ypu have been lead to believe, most working age illegals are in the workforce. Many are paying taxes. And their presence is having a significant positive impact on the economy. So cut the "they come here for freebies" bull

  6. Lock and load. Time for talk is past

  7. Send them to AOC and Nancy's homeS

  8. Oh, like we need more of them.


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