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Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Political Humor


  1. WOW! Good ones this morning. I especially like the Pelosi home compared to her district's streets. Notice she conveniently never mentions "that" problem. And yet these loons feel it is imperative to put illegals first...If Trump pulls off some kind of relief for the homeless issue he will walk away with re-election like we have never seen before. He is making things happen. I love the response from the left for his brash invite to Kim to meet at the DMZ and then actually step foot on North Korean soil; what a coup! Bernie Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot, said it best...it takes a business mentality to run America and Trump is making it happen. The liberal left is in melt down...waaaaaaaaa.

  2. Cross eyeeeee booger lol.

  3. Can u imagine president Booker trying to walk up AF1 stairs with that crooked EYE


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