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Saturday, July 13, 2019

President Trump on social media bias: ‘They’re playing with a lot of minds’

President Donald J. Trump called out social media censorship and bias during a first-of-its-kind summit at the White House yesterday, warning that legislation could follow “if Silicon Valley doesn’t change its ways,” Mark Moore reports for the New York Post.

“I am directing my administration to explore all regulatory and legislation solutions to protect free speech and the free speech rights of all Americans — that’s you people in this room,” the President said at the Social Media Summit at the White House. “We hope to see transparency, more accountability and more freedom — that’s on both sides.”

President Trump recognized the attendees for challenging both the establishment media and corporate censors and bringing more information to light for the American people.

Click here to read more.


  1. Yes, social media, influnercers, Twitteraratis. Mr Trump is the ((soothsayer (9 months ago). As I predicted centuries "ago", in 1900 the Earth was radio silent. By 2100 or so civilization will have crashed - overpopulation, energy, arrant stupidity, a butterfly wing. Even if outworlder something were detected, there would be no return call. Our Greatest Leader, yes, yes (President Donald ""J"" Trump, will save Us All from the Fermi Parodix!!!! My audience, you know my √Words¥√!

  2. All social media is a business. It's not there to promote or support free speech or your thoughts or ideas. They are advertising venues like everything else. Old school nosy busy bodies like to assume it's like the party line or listening to the police scanner but it's just not. All media these days is entertainment. Truth and even alternative facts in these venues will never go down in History. It's all a vacuous odious and fleeting vapor in the ether. Go to the library.

  3. Hahaha! Damn I didn't understand a word he or she wrote.

  4. Since it is a business we could regulate it. I’m not big in that but they need something.

  5. more transparency and freedom - that's on both sides.

    Are there only 2 sides?
    Are we being deliberately divided into 2 factions because it is easier to control us?

  6. 9:36 Where are the lizard people, chem trails, and the brain initiative you fondly list? Also, we are Joe's audience, it's not your name on the blog, or anywhere for that matter. The Earth was radio silent because that tech had not yet been invented. You should talk about "arrant stupidity"! What is a butterfly wing, since you state it is capable of the fallout of humanity? You can't mean literally! Having a response from aliens has nothing to do with this post and was another weird comment. Why does humanity need to hear back from aliens? Are they your savior? You sound like a Scientologist Wannabe, but even they didn't want you! Fermi Parodox? Good try, but there is no evidence, what so ever, which is needed to prove that theory, which is the key to the whole thing. 68 years since the idea, and still no evidence, which nulls the whole idea.

    Get some air. Find a good taco place. Enjoy life. You are way out there, and for your own good, I would add.

  7. 9:36- What I failed to state, and how you misinterpreted the Fermi Paradox, just adds to your barely coherent comments. Where is everyone, meaning "they" or aliens, as how and what the paradox refers to. If we are to be saved from "them", we must first find "them", make contact with "them", and then be in immediate danger from "them". So far, their planets have not been found, no public contact has been made, and therefor there is no immediate danger from them, as there is no definitive proof of their existence. Why do we need saving from something that has not proven to exist, but let's say they do. Have you ever seen any need from saving from this ghost monster, that you seem to fail to list their potential or current global threats? I am trying, and having a little fun with you, opening myself to think on whatever plane you think you exist on. Your way and mine, you still come up severely delusional. Even your way of expressing your obscure conspiracy knowledge could be better approached if, like prior comments, you weren't all Jim Jones about it! It's beyond weird and is rightly taken as idiocy. You are obviously socially inept. You should spend some time outside more.


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