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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Europe: Massive Rise in Central American Asylum Seekers

The number of Central Americans claiming asylum in the European Union has massively increased as President Donald Trump has moved to tighten America’s southern border, with Venezuelans now the second-largest demographic of arrivals after Syrians.

According to Britain’s left-wing Guardian newspaper, the European Asylum Support Office is attributing an 11 per cent rise in political asylum claims over the last year to “people fleeing economic disasters, political repression and criminal violence in Venezuela, El Salvador, Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua and Peru.”

Asylum claims by nationals of Venezuela, where the state socialist regime of Nicolas Maduro admired by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is becoming increasingly repressive, reached 18,400 between January and May — roughly double the number for the same period in 2018.



  1. If they are so poor where do they get their money for all this traveling? I don't have money to travel within the US.

  2. Populations are generally moving NORTH to escape the heat of global warming.
    Take a gander at the high temp records broken this year (all time high records).
    It is crazy out there!

    I am in favor of some amount of geo-engineering to reign in this heat wave
    Alaska has all-time record temps right now

  3. And the majority of them are lying about needing asylum. Nothing else worked so now they are trying this. Someone informed them to try asylum. They are doing this because they are afraid that President Trump will build the wall.

  4. If it is so bad there, why did it take them this long to come here? Is it a coincidence that President Trump wants to build a wall? Funny how it works that way. Trump wants to build a wall and all of a sudden thousands upon thousands of them want asylum.


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