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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Police: Father threw 5-year-old son into Atlantic Ocean to teach him how to swim

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. —A Florida man accused of throwing his 5-year-old son into the ocean has posted bond and was released from jail Tuesday.

That man reportedly left the child alone in the water as he repeatedly dove from a Daytona Beach pier.

One witness told reporters he raced to help the little boy.

It's illegal to jump off the Main Street Pier in Daytona Beach, but that is what witnesses say John Bloodsworth was doing Monday night while his child was struggling to swim in a deep part of the ocean near the pier.

"I said, 'I can't take this no more.' So I went down to the pier, down to the shore and confronted him myself," witness Mitch Brown said.



  1. That's how you were taught back in the day. Everything was fine.

  2. 8:21 yeah your generation turned out GREAT. It's not like we have a housing, monetary and ecological crisis on our hands or anything

    1. 9:24 maybe but I do know that 8:21’s generation didn’t raise a bunch of spoiled, entitled, lazy whiners like yours did 🤷‍♀️

  3. That's how I was taught

  4. Its not that he tried to use this method, which actually works. Its that he was in an ocean with undulating waves. This works in rivers and pools where you dont need to fight the waves.


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