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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

FBI Found VAST MAJORITY of Steele Dossier Was Wrong or Unverifiable –USED IT AGAINST TRUMP ANYWAY

Investigative reporter John Solomon broke another HUGE story on Tuesday.

According to Solomon the FBI knew in early 2017 that the VAST MAJORITY of the Steele Dossier was wrong or unverified. And yet they continued to use the fake document anyway to spy on Trump and his campaign, transition team and administration.

On Hannity tonight Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) said what was significant was that they continued to use his work anyway. Meadows confirmed that John Solomon’s report is accurate.

Meadows confirmed that the FBI kept their investigation open despite them knowing the entire investigation was based on a fraud.



  1. Hillary paid the FBI agents Millions to keep the story going

    1. comey's bank "accounts" need to be audited

  2. Because they NEVER THOUGHT SHE’D LOSE! Thank our Father in heaven she did. It was planned from the beginning, once she started falling in the polls they knew they had no choice but to use it. ‘If that fing bastard wins, we will all hang from nooses”, Gitmo awaits them all!

  3. Northwest Woodsman: lets get this straight, the FBI personnel involved in this travesty were appointed Marxist democrats that would do anything to help Hildabeast win the election. The rank and file agents have more integrity than to involve themselves is such activities. At the top, it is the political appointees that are the problem. Comey, Holder, Lynch, all appointed or promoted their clones and back stabbing administrative types who, if they ever drew a weapon, would not know which end to point ar a threat. I have always found that a field agent who is good at his profession, does not want to climb the promotion ladder over the backs of others. Those who can’t do the job well seek administrative positions. They would never run fords the sounds of gunfire, believe me. They are also not the ones that you want to get into s desperate situation with. Been in this business since the 70s and I know from experience.


  4. Fire those involved as a prelude to indictment, trial, conviction and long prison terms. Throw the book at them!

  5. We all already know all of this
    Just start locking them all up already
    Give it a rest
    Tired of hearing it

  6. You won't see this on CNN.

  7. They will all skate.

  8. Are we going to have to wait until 2020 when the GOP wins back the House to get resolution? The liberal left has broken all kind of regulations and defied decorum; "we're going to impeach the m'fer"; "Trump is a racist"... These people broke the law, plain and simple. As a citizen and yes deplorable, I suggest the country demand satisfaction against these purveyors of hate and their veiled attempt to rule the world.


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