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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Lawmaker Proposes Bill Allowing Americans to Contribute for Border Wall When Filing Taxes

Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) has introduced a bill that would allow Americans to directly contribute to a fund for President Donald Trump’s border wall when filing their taxes with the IRS every year, his office confirmed to Breitbart News exclusively.

“Taxpayer dollars should never be used to advance political campaigns. But keeping Americans safe must be our #1 priority,” Green said in a release provided to Breitbart News ahead of its public release. “Americans spoke loud and clear in the 2016 election that we want a wall to secure our southern border. Congress has clearly been unable to get the job done. My bill will give every American the opportunity to directly help President Trump build the wall.”

The bill, officially titled the Dollars for the Wall Act, would change the IRS 1040 form people file when they pay their taxes every year to allow a direct contribution to a border wall fund. Currently, the 1040 form has a box that filers can check that would direct $3–or $6 for joint filers–to what is called the Presidential Election Campaign Fund.



  1. Beautiful
    We can give the government even more of our money so they can steal it and give it to their crony friends

    1. The illegals are "stealing" your money now as is... accept it or do something about it ?

  2. God Bless America and God Bless President Trump !!!

  3. I like the idea BUT the Dems if they ever get back in office will send the $$$$ to pay for the EBT CROWD.

  4. Go for it, thank goodness there is no such thing as boats and planes!

  5. NO way would I send money ! The
    Corrupt Gov. would use it themselves.

  6. No need, Mexico will pay for the wall.

  7. Clown wasting US tax dollars for dumb stunts meant to bring in votes. And you guys fall for it. Get a clue; any US citizen can already donate dollars to build whatever they want.

  8. "Americans spoke loud and clear in the 2016 election that we want a wall."

    Well actually sir, the number of Americans who voted against the candidate promising a wall was actually higher. And the candidate who wanted the wall, told everyone that Mexico was going to pay for it. Soooo there's that....

    1. 11:47 And then there were all those illegal votes for Hilary in CA but we won’t talk about that 😉

    2. 1147 because that is a total tom clancy level science fiction story. Trump owm board he put together to investigate fraud couldnt even validate his bogus claims. Move on.

  9. Northwest Woodsman: How can we be assured that our corrupt government will actually be used for its intended purpose? Especially if the Marxist democrats end up in control of it.

  10. I'm retired and I would contribute $100 a year. That adds up if everyone did it.

  11. 430
    Every thing adds up.
    I mean if everyone donated one dollar, it would be 350 million dollars
    50 Cent equals 175 million dollars
    so on

    Simply math


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