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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Father of Kamala Harris Says Her Ancestors Owned Slaves

The father of Kamala Harris detailed how their ancestors owned slaves, an inconvenient part of her history as she has spent much of her campaign focusing on race politics.

The Democrats have been up in arms about an NBC News report that detailed how Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s great-great-grandfathers owned slaves in Alabama in the 1800s.

Donald Harris, a Stanford University economics professor and father of 2020 Democrat candidate, wrote about how they are descendant of an Irishman who owned a slave plantation in Jamaica in a piece titled “Reflections of a Jamaican Father.”

“My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town),” Mr. Harris wrote in his article for Jamaica Global.



  1. She’s not African American like the leftmedia would have you believe.

  2. Just like another Democratic Candidate the one we'll call the Cherokee Indian who turned out not to be any relation to any American Indian Tribe their all liars. Before November arrives they all will be proven to be racist liars. And yet the media and them still want to point at Trump. At least we know his lineage and they've thrown all the dirt they can. This is what is wrong with America we can't accept true history you know the stuff we learned in school. The Civil War is long over and it is what it was people are not perfect but those Civil War soldiers were warriors and when you look back their were mistakes but the history cannot be changed and we don't make people pay for it still. No need to tear down statues and try to rewrite history just add a marker below the statues with American values have changed and we go forward.

  3. He also said they raped the women slaves and beat the men to get work out of them. She needs to pull out of the campaign.

    1. What's Untrue - she is not black or her family didn't own slaves?

  4. You got that right. She needs to go. Her family history is made up of rapist, racist, and torture. Damn!

    1. why do you disagree because she should not be held responsible for her family's misdeeds or she just needs to go? need to specify what you really mean.

  5. She's a slave owning racist

  6. Her Family was slave owners and she "prostituted" her self out to a married Politian to get jobs and endorsements. Democrats wants to call President Trump corrupt! This is worst than Democrat accusations against Pres. Trump. This is worst than the kettle calling the pot black. Is she even "black" or is she another one using the fake blood lines to get what she wants? Just another corrupt Democrat being revealed.


  7. Comment above is accurate; she's not African-American in any way, shape or form. Her mother is Indian (from India, not like make believe Cherokee Liz Warren) and her father is Jamaican. They were working at colleges in CA when she was born. After the parents broke up her mom moved to Canada where Harris was educated through IIRC high school. I don't think either parent was a US citizen when she was born so she's a citizen in the most tenuous fashion.

    And that's without discussing how she worked her way up, or her crack pot policy ramblings. In short- a terrible Senator and candidate.

    She can open her yap after she pays reparations to her family's Jamaican slave descendants.

  8. I for one was shocked when it came out that she was black. I said no way. Blacks should be upset be that their heritage is being dragged through the mud.

  9. She is the female Obama. Can't prove that she is an American and denies her true ethnicity. She is a fraud.


  10. I'm not certain that she calls herself A-A, but due to her name and complexion she's happy to have the uninformed jump to that conclusion.

    Caveat emptor (let the buyer beware).

  11. Not to worry...her candle is dimming as the truth comes out. Her disingenuous outrage at Biden is a veiled attempt to pander for the minority vote. Ask her how many minorities she incarcerated and literally threw the book at while D.A. The fact that most of "the candidates" are not moving needles at the polls tells it pretty clearly, America is not ready for far left socialists. Case in point, Bernie who was all the rage back in 2015 - 2016 hasn't moved any closer to Biden who is flip flop like a beached fish.

  12. She's not a bad looking woman, but her trying to be a nasty black Democrat makes her very ugly.


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