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Friday, July 26, 2019

Gordon Chang: Trump Must ‘Kill’ Huawei to Protect America

“We should be cutting Huawei off and trying to kill it,” advised Gordon Chang, columnist at the Daily Beast and author of The Coming Collapse of China, in a Tuesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

Chang explained how the Trump administration can “kill” Huawei, the world’s largest telecommunications infrastructure manufacturer, in order to prevent China’s pursuit of global telecommunications dominance.

“The Trump administration, in the middle of May, added Huawei to the Commerce Department’s entity list, and that means for technology covered by export control regulations, no American company can have a transaction with Huawei — cannot sell to Huawei or license to Huawei — unless they get a license from Commerce,” said Chang.

Chang continued, “Essentially this is a death sentence because Huawei is dependent on a couple of things: it’s dependent on U.S. chips, and it’s also dependent on Google for its Android operating system for its cell phones.”


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