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Friday, July 26, 2019

Bette Midler: Trump Is Paying Black Men to Attend His Rallies

Liberal Hollywood actress and singer Bette Midler suggested on Wednesday that President Donald Trump has paid black people to pose in campaign photos — calling this a “blackground.”

Sharing a photo from a recent campaign rally, Midler seemed befuddled that Trump could have any African-American supporters.

“Look, there are African-American men in this shot!” she wrote.

“How much did he pay them to be ‘blackground’?” she also said, offering no evidence for her claim.

Trump won only eight percent of African-American voters in the 2016 presidential election, yet hisapproval rating with black voters has reached a number as high as 40 percent.

But for a moment, let’s forget about all that — and focus on what Midler is actually saying.


  1. Does Trump pay more money for black men than Beth? Just wondering.....

  2. The liberals are pushing all kinds of false narratives to distract from their failing policies. They are destroying the lives of legal Americans. Many who are coming here came to escape a socialist govt weakened by corrupt liberal politicians. These immigrants and refugees will eventually turn on the liberals, seeing them for what they are and being reminded it was their type who destroyed their homelands.

    1. Divided we are weak, together we are strong, and that is what they are petrified of! WWG1WGA!

  3. Isn't she in an old folks home?

  4. Is she still here -- I thought that she had left the U. S. A. after Trump was elected !!

  5. Who is Bette Midler?

  6. Wow, where do I sign up? How much is he paying?

  7. 5:47
    She just an old witch named Winifred.

  8. Why can't she just STFU??

    1. Those who speak the loudest have the most to hide, research it!


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