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Friday, July 19, 2019

Comey Comes For Trump Supporters, ‘We Must Send Trump and His Mob Back to Their Dark Corner’

Fired FBI Director James Comey came for Trump supporters on Thursday and said it’s time to send Trump’s “mob back to their dark corner.”

Comey’s tweet Thursday attacking Trump supporters is in response to chants of “send her back” heard at Trump’s North Carolina rally Wednesday evening after the president brought up Dem Rep. Ilhan Omar.

Ilhan Omar, a Somali-born Democrat Congresswoman in Minnesota married her own brother to defraud US immigration, filed fraudulent tax returns and perjured herself many times according to documents and reports.

Ilhan Omar also supports terrorist organizations, fundraises with Hamas front group CAIR and refuses to condemn Al-Qaeda.



  1. Spoken from a true commucrat who should be in prison. Benedict Arnold has nothing his on this pos.

  2. Go to jail, you SOB.

    Better yet, go to hell!

  3. what a clueless pos! when he goes to prison with oboma,hildabeast and the obummer,he will have time to realize he drained part of the swamp!!

  4. Go to hell, go to jail, kiss my ass and STFU comey, you treasonous traitor POS

  5. Bring it, beanstalk.

  6. Most of the swamp feels that way.

  7. Please, prosecute this bug and put him out of our misery.

  8. Spoken from someone from the underground hidden government.
    How can a so called smart person think have the population is so dumb.

  9. There will be a very dark corner in Comey's jail cell.


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