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Friday, July 19, 2019

CNN pushes narrative that President Trump is racist to group of women. It brutally backfires.

CNN correspondent Randi Kaye asked eight Dallas-area women on Tuesday's "Anderson Cooper 360" if they thought President Donald Trump's recent tweets attacking four progressive congresswomen are racist — and it did not go over well for CNN.

"How many of you don't think what the president said is racist?" Kaye asked the women, all of whom are Trump supporters.

In unison, all the women raised their hands.

The women told Kaye:
  • "I'm a brown-skinned woman. I am a legal immigrant. I agree with [Trump]."
  • "He was saying that if they hate America so much because what we're seeing out of them and hearing out of them — they hate America. If it's so bad, there's a lot of places they can go."
  • "Actually, I think it's a demonstration of how their ideology spills over even though they're American now, so to speak."
  • "They're not acting American."
  • "We know the president is not racist. He loves people from Hispanics to black people — all across the board."

One exchange in particular highlighted the narrative CNN sought to push.

"I'm glad the president said what he said because all they're doing is — they're inciting hatred and division and that's not what our country is about. It's not about that at all—," one of the women told Kaye.

"But isn't that what the president does with some of his own comments?" Kaye interjected. "His own racist comments?"

"But he didn't say anything about color," the woman shot back.

Still, Kaye continued to push the media narrative that Trump is racist by directly reciting the definition of racism from Webster's Dictionary.

"He dated a black woman for two years. Two of his wives are immigrants. He is not a xenophobic racist," one woman told Kaye in response.

Then the women turn on Kaye

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  1. The term racist has lost its meaning.

    1. It sure has, racism and the card are all they have left. The democratic party is destructing before our eyes, and I for one, am glad to see it!

  2. The woman who made the last comment nailed it. "How is there not a white congresswoman in their "squad"? It's because they're racist and hate white people."

    I knew they were racist, but that just helps prove it without them saying a single word.

  3. Like Crying Wolf = Racist over & over again = Nobody cares !!!! Like a Broken Record

  4. I love how quickly the interview turned around on that idiot reporter. They were questioning her 😂😂😂

  5. Everyone that disagrees with a liberal Democrat is a racist. That is so true.


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