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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Watch–Tom Cotton: If U.S. Can’t Deport Illegal Aliens Who Have Been Ordered Deported, Who Can We Deport?

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) questioned who federal immigration officials are allowed to deport if not illegal aliens who have already been ordered deported by an immigration judge.

Last week, President Trump backed down on a plan to deport about 2,000 illegal alien families that have been ordered deported by immigration judges, saying he would use the effort as a bargaining tool in talks with Democrats to pass legislation that reforms the country’s asylum laws.

During an interview with Fox News Sunday‘s Chris Wallace, Cotton asked if the U.S. cannot deport even illegal aliens with final deportation orders, who can be deported?



  1. Deport nobody. The left needs the votes. Import minoritys if you have to. It's a simple plan. Abort black children and hispanic legal children in droves, and import illegal hispanic people to make up for it. It's less time before they can vote if they're children or adults already up in age. They don't want to wait from birth to 18 yrs of age for legal citizens. Plus the illegals will do work black and whites dont want to do, for cheaper. The elite left can transform society to keep them in power and comfort.

  2. The Republicans are the biggest problem. The democrats (as ASININE as they are) stick together. The RETARTED IDIOTS of Republicans don't know WTF their doing. EMBARRASSING.

  3. Cottoned eyed joe


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