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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Arkansas Is Debunking Myths About Welfare Reform – And The Left Hates It

Almost exactly one year ago, Arkansas became the first state to ever implement commonsense work requirements for able-bodied, working-age adults on Medicaid—and the far Left freaked out.

Since that time, they’ve proceeded to outright slander the state, falsely asserting that the requirement would leave the state worse off, hurt Arkansans, and was nothing more than a “reporting requirement” designed to confuse enrollees with paperwork rather than help them find a job. They’ve waged an all-out war on work, even using the courts to try to (temporarily) thwart the will of Arkansans, who overwhelmingly support the requirement—Republicans and Democrats alike.

They’ve gone all out for a few big reasons: they want as much dependency as possible. They think a life-long welfare check is better for Americans than a paycheck. And they also know that Medicaid work requirements are a signature achievement of President Trump’s first term. 



  1. Silvester Jermain -BeyJune 26, 2019 at 10:05 PM

    you won't do that in Baltimoe....

    cause we riot if you do dat

  2. Now that it's clear that work requirements are a good thing, how many other states can duplicate Arkansas' success? We'll never know until they actually try.

  3. Isn't it amazing how all the left has is free stuff to keep people down, and bound in gov't subsidies. And alot of those people like it, because it extends as far as 3 generations back sometimes. Lazy a$$holes.

  4. And an infinite number of generations forward, 8:15.

  5. Gosh, working actually works! Who'd a thunk it?


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