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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Study: More Pregnant Women Using Pot, Despite Risks

As laws around marijuana relax nationwide and the drug becomes more popular, American women are increasingly using pot during pregnancy, a new study finds.

The study was based on data from more than 467,000 women collected between 2002 and 2017. The researchers found that the percentage of women who said they'd used cannabis at least once during a pregnancy doubled during that time -- from 3.4% to 7%.

And the percentage of women who reported "daily or near daily" cannabis use during pregnancy more than tripled -- from 0.9% of respondents in 2002 to 3.4% by 2017, according to a team led by Dr. Beth Han of the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.



  1. While I do not condone smoking anything while pregnant I can say with confidence that this is not happening more often than before the laws were relaxed. It only seems that way because they are just now paying attention to it.

    Pot was always easy to get and was way cheaper before it became legal / decriminalized. I don't know anyone who just started to smoke pot because the laws were changed. They just now don't go to jail for it. I am sure some did but over all there was already a large portion of the population smoking pot before the law changes. Many people didn't know it because those who used it kept it secret due to the stigma attached to pot smoking.

    The same can be said about driving while stoned. I see reports that this has increased as well but really it happened all the time but police wouldn't charge you for it.

    Think about how many times Cops had caught people smoking pot in a car due to the strong smell of burning pot and they arrest the people for the drugs but you never see a DUI charge included. Its clear they were getting high in their car but they just didn't include that charge.

    Now if a Cop smelled a strong odor of alcohol and made a probable cause arrest based on that you can bet there would be a DUI charge.

    Just because your only just now looking into these trends does not mean they are on the rise due to legalization / decriminalization. Its always been happening and it will continue weather or not pot becomes legal.

  2. The Cure ALL Snake Oil of America now that it is TAXED !!!!

    Marajuana / CBD Cocaine is next !!!! just TAX it !!!!

  3. 12:26
    Perhaps you are too young to understand the topic?

  4. Congress is on Cocaine !!!! All on the Hook

  5. CBD cures ALL !!!!! LOL CBD !!!

    Funny , for All those years Marajuana was / (still is Illegal)

    we Never heard of CBD or how Nice it all is / even

    locking up many people in jail & prison before it was TAXED

    All Govt cares about is TAX / Not your damn Health !!!!


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