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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Bless Her Heart: Oh, So That's Who Ilhan Omar Blames For The Death Of The Iran Nuclear Deal?

She’s the worst. She is the absolute worst. And it’s not just conservatives who are starting to see her as a bull in a china closet. Local media is starting to get tired of her antics as well. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) just can’t seem to walk and chew gum at the same time. Okay—that’s not fair. Maybe walk without being hit in the face with several rakes. She already peddled anti-Semitic tropes, and it wasn’t her first time, suggesting that supporters of Israel exhibited dual loyalty and got into trouble with her ‘all about the Benjamins’ tweet concerning AIPAC’s donations and activities, a not so subtle Jewish money and politics reference. Prior to her election to Congress thanks to the brainless voter base of Minneapolis, she said that Israel had hypnotized the world to its evil.

Oh, she’s a peach. She also decided to side with the Somali militias that were shooting and killing our troops during our intervention in her home country in the 1990s, going on some trash moral equivalency lecture about the battle. This tweet was dredged up from 2017. Her Black Hawk Down tweet is now infamous, where she claimed that Americans killed thousands of Somalis. Yeah, that’s because they were shooting at them. You cannot get any denser than this. Omar, who fled Somalia, has to be a top candidate for the most ungrateful refugee this nation has ever taken. And she knows better. She was educated here. She’s lived here for nearly two decades. None of the trash she has spewed is excused by some cultural barrier, which some Democrats tried to throw up as a reason for her anti-Semitic remarks on the Hill.


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