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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Rep. Harris Announces Nearly $6 Million for Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) announced the award of $5,980,000 in funds for the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. The funds were awarded by the U.S. Department of Interior through the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund, which is supported by revenue generated from the “Duck Stamp” program. The stamps are required for waterfowl hunters as an annual license, but are also voluntarily purchased by others who choose to help preserve wildlife habitats.

Rep. Harris made the following statement:

“The Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge is an integral part of Maryland’s First District and provides essential habitat for waterfowl on the Eastern Shore. These funds will help preserve ecologically important wetlands and support our local waterfowl hunting economy and community.”

The Department of Interior described the project: “The Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge project will conserve over 2,500 acres of priority habitat for migrating and wintering American black ducks, mallards, Canada geese and greater snow geese, as well as habitat for black rail, salt-marsh sparrow and other wetland-associated migratory birds. The project will add over 2,600 acres to the refuge’s public program, expanding public opportunities for white-tailed deer, sika deer, turkey, and waterfowl hunting.”

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