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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Feds Nab More Than Sixteen Tons of Cocaine Worth One Billion Dollars In Philadelphia Ship

The United States Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agencies completed an interagency drug bust on Monday and confiscated more than 33,000 pounds of cocaine worth an estimated street value of at least $1 billion. The drugs were hidden in a cargo ship that was docked in Philadelphia.

According to a CBS local affiliate, "two people were arrested and federally charged. According to the criminal complaint, Ivan Durasevic, the ship’s second mate, and Fonofaavae Tiasaga were arrested in the bust."

The ship, which authorities say likely has even more narcotics on it, traveled from the Bahamas, Panama, Peru, and Colombia towards America. It was supposed to continue on its way to the Netherlands but ICE and Border Patrol, in cooperation with the Philadelphia Police and United States Coast Guard, stopped the massive drug haul before it could depart.



  1. LAW ABIDING CITIZENJune 19, 2019 at 11:34 PM

    another Clinton drug confiscation ....

    Hillary will miss that money

  2. Only two arrested? I read that a crane operator and deckhand who stowed the drugs below decks were the two. What about the ship's captain? Are we to believe two men manhandled 33,000 pounds of drugs by themselves? Hmmmm.

  3. Someone will have to pay. Criminals do not like to lose their money.

  4. Pay no attention to Wilmington Port managed by UAE!

  5. That was destined for Pelosi's Party for July 4th !!!!!

  6. That belongs to "Sleepy" BIDEN !!!! upcoming party !!!

  7. CIA doesn’t tolerate competition in the drug trade

  8. Don't touch CBD especially , since it is the new craze !!!

    USA Govt will LOVE all the TAX $$$$ from it !!!!

  9. That was Nadler's , bound for NY !!!

  10. Wow man it was all headed to Fruitland in batteries.


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