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Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Pope Francis Approves a Key Change to the Lord's Prayer

Last month, Pope Francis approved a change in the wording of the Lord's Prayer, the prayer Jesus taught His followers to pray (Matthew 6:9-15). Francis rejected the traditional language "lead us not into temptation," replacing it with "do not let us fall into temptation." This switch also cuts against the plain translation of the original Greek. Some Roman Catholics have spoken out against the change, which goes against tradition and separates them from Protestants.

Francis approved a third edition revision of the Italian Missal, as announced on May 22 during the General Assembly of the Episcopal Conference of Italy. The revised translation will include changes to both the Lord's Prayer and the Gloria, uCatholic reported.

The Gloria, which begins "Glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace to men of good will," will change from "Peace on earth to people of good will" to "Peace on Earth to people beloved by God." This change is more defensible, since the original Greek of Luke 2:14 is closer to "on earth peace among men with whom [God] is pleased." This change does still reject the traditional interpretation, however.



  1. Omg this dude has lost his mind!

  2. most mainstream religions are doomed to the NEW AGE agenda. catholics leading the charge..they dont even believe in hell anymore..

    1. Boy will they be surprised!

    2. 7:10 comment of the week 😂🤣😂🤣😂

  3. We can't even leave the Lords Prayer alone it' written in the Bible that way leave something alone please. Even churches now are changing words to the old Hymns leave things be not all changes are good. If you are trying to attract the younger generation than you are going about it the wrong way, it's like rewriting history about the Civil War. They can learn things the right way by keeping them and just explain that was the way it was an just appreciate now.

  4. Pope Francis is pandering to the people that are ruining civilized society

  5. Pope Francis is pandering to the people that are ruining civilized society

  6. Well first of all it's a Roman Catholic prayer to start with. I have heard many bastardizations in various " Christian" off spring and franchises of belief that could not comply with the true origins of the Gospel and the original church. None of it can be reinterpreted or rewritten to suite variations of compliance. Belief is not political and you can not pick and choose as it suites your sins and deliverance. The Gospel is what it is you should know where it comes from originally the Torah and the Gnostic Gospels. You can be blind and compliant in your adopted faith or you can actually know where it comes from and realize it's all the words of mortal men hardly divine in their own right. Your better off whispering prayers to your dead grandmother at her grave site it your holding out for measurable results.

  7. Need to also change the part "And deliver us from evil" to the new one
    "And deliver us away from the idiot Democrats and Liberal Morons"

  8. For 40 years they change whatever. I continue with the way I was taught. Stop the singing and dancing you might keep some men instead of the pansies.

  9. the folly of men! old age and marxist ideology. francis the communist, lord of communist, pedophiles, homosexuals and lesbians and fornicators!
    thinks he can change the Lord's prayer!
    to damn funny!
    Eschatology says "I will strike the shepard and the sheep will scatter"! well there you have it, that's why the churches are emptying out!
    He once said there are many paths to God, so why choose this fool to listen to?

    1. 7:21 fool is the correct terminology

  10. People have left The Church for a variety of reasons beginning with Vatican II when things like the altar rail vanished and Mass went from Latin to English. Of course the pedophilia scandal did nothing to help but in the end one has to wonder how strong the faith of those who are quick to judge. Words are words; faith is faith. Being cradle to grave we believe in infallibility of the Pope, divine intervention, the immaculate conception, and the consecration and the transformation of bread and wine to body and blood. That is faith, based on the experiences by Apostles who were at Christ's side and documented in their gospels. Many translations and opinions but again faith is faith.

  11. 8:28 the infallibility of the poope is only when professing faith or dogma with the magisterium or the church! i.e, professing articles of faith with agreement by a majority of cardinals. Which hasn't happened yet on this communists watch, even with all his shenanigans. But give enough time for him to appoint like minded cardinals, it still won't matter since then we'll be left with the remnant church and then the fun begins! it's not judgment other then Gods judgement. I'll keep my faith but many Catholics do not understand the role of the church in the world today!
    he has stated many times his disdain for anything not marxist or communists. Surely hope all those catholics he sold out in china can maintain their faith!


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