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Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Politico Falsely Claims Pastor ‘Apologizes’ for Trump Prayer; Congregants Support Him

Politico claimed Monday that Pastor David Platt of McLean Bible Church had apologized to congregants for his decision to pray for President Donald Trump during the latter’s impromptu Sunday visit. But congregants are backing the pastor — and it is not clear that he actually apologized.

Trump visited the church Sunday to pray for the victims of Friday’s workplace shooting in Virginia Beach before leaving for the United Kingdom. Pastor Platt prayed for Trump and asked his congregation to do the same: “We pray that [the president] would look to You, that he would trust in You, he would lean on You … That he would govern and make decisions in ways that are good for justice, and good for righteousness and good for equity, every good path.”

Later, the pastor posted a statement about the president’s visit on the church’s website, and its Facebook page:

Based on this text [1 Timothy 2:1-6], I know that it is good, and pleasing in the sight of God, to pray for the president. So in that moment, I decided to take this unique opportunity for us as a church to pray over him together. My aim was in no way to endorse the president, his policies, or his party, but to obey God’s command to pray for our president and other leaders to govern in the way this passage portrays.

It is that statement that Politico cited to claim that the pastor had “apologized” to his congregants.



  1. More fake news f??kery! Please stop listening to the propaganda of the left !

  2. The Left is always twisting comments if it makes Trump look bad. They are obsessed with distracting the public from seeing all that Trump is succeeding to do that politicians only promised but never delivered.

  3. We need to pray that the Democrats come to their senses. Our President Trump is doing just fine. I'm sure he prays for us all every day.


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