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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Pete Buttigieg reflects on his military service in defense of national anthem protests

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg on Thursday defended athletes who choose to kneel during the national anthem, saying that he served in the military to defend their right to do just that.

"I felt that I was watching Americans exercise a right that I had put my life on the line to defend," the South Bend, Indiana, mayor said during a live interview with The Washington Post when asked about athletes who kneel to protest police brutality and the mass incarceration of African Americans.

"The point of defending free speech is not that you expect to be perfectly aligned with every speech that is protected," he added, saying that this dynamic is a "huge part of what makes America, America."


  1. Then they can't ban "hate speech". Because, first of all, hating someone/something is natural and my right to expression. Secondly, hate is relative to the subject.


  3. 12:53 hate comes naturally to you? "Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness."

  4. Racism is such a part of America that if people protest racism, they are protesting America. Think about that

  5. Cool, in that case I hate you 12:53

  6. 1:01
    You don't have to hate the person to hate the sin or their actions. Hate is just one of the many emotion people fell such as love, sadness, anger and happiness etc.

    1. Funny. I never saw Jesus say "Thou shalt salute the US flag" lol

    2. 155 comments

      our countries soil was soaked by Patriots blood , and they prayed to Jesus for our Country

      for your lazy fat butt to watch TV all weekend while getting drunk

      so yes...our Country was founded on Christian principles

      and there are some of us Christians who are not afraid to stand up
      to knuckle heads like you

  7. There is no such thing as hate speech. There is free speech... some of which is quite distasteful.

    It is important not to re-frame or redefine other peoples speech, or intentions. Someone protesting that was protesting racism, and said their point was to protest racism, would then NOT be protesting America. To say so has just misrepresented someones intentions.

    This happens all too often when people see or hear something they may not like, and rather address the issue at hand, they build a straw man to argue against. It is pointless to argue against a position that is not what the other person represents.

    Not only that, it is dishonest slight of hand.

    I don't know that I support Buttigieg politics, but on this point we will agree.

  8. Of course he's going to say that. He's a turd..

  9. I HATE

    anti Americans
    cop haters
    pink hatters

  10. I could support the flag kneelers if they would also protest and work to make changes when they are off the field. But you dont see them doing anything but take a knee and maybe giving a little of the millions they are paid.

  11. 209 another idiot comment. You people really are allergic to facts huh?

  12. Sexually disoriented individuals are NOT normal no matter what they claim. Some like chickens, some little boys, and a few their own age of the same sex. They really are so few though that I do not want them representing me for anything. Let them go back to the closet or give them a free vacation in Iran where they can complain all they want and will get results.

    It doesn't get really bad until a Smollet comes along with DUAL minority claims.

  13. @ June 25, 2019 at 6:41 PM OATH KEEPER

    In fact, the United States of America, a secular republic founded by deist men has been defended and men who shed blood of all faiths and non there-of, patriots of all kinds defending the religious freedom our deist founding fathers penned into our brilliantly written Secular Constitution.

    In fact, this nation was NOT founded on Christian principle. I implore you to list the principles this nation was founded on that are solely and inherently Christian, principles that cannot be found anywhere else and could only be attributed to as Christian. I have requested this time and time and over and over and nay not a single person has been up to the task of defending this tired, incorrect assertion. This tired meme has got to stop being parroted.


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