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Thursday, June 20, 2019

It's On: Cory Booker Slams Biden For Praising Segregationists

Former Vice President Joe Biden is quickly learning that being the early front runner in a crowded Democrat primary isn't always the best position.

As Democrats prepare for their first debates next week, they're going after Biden and scrutinizing his record.

Last night, Biden lamented "incivility" in politics by invoking the names of two former Senators. He used to work with them and they were...segregationists.



  1. Both were in his party and supported him.

  2. Joe Biden almost made the same speech as Gov. Wallace did on segregation back in the day. He is a GD liar when he says he ain't no "Racist". I really hope Booker goes after him for everything he said and pushed for in the late 60's and early 70's.

    Gov. George Wallace said, "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever" !

    He was talking about the public school system.

  3. Booger and his Spartacus moment. Cracks me up. And Bite me. Two chuckle heads...


  4. Was Slow Joe pals with Albert Gore, Sr. also? Or KKK Byrd?

    Also, with Joe begging for the big bucks crowd support, one wonders what happened to Hunter's billion dollar China deal? Kid must have a serious habit to blow through that much cash!

  5. Booker and Kamala Harris are ridiculous with their segregationist claims. Will they ever let it go? What about colleges who are now requesting/demanding separate living quarters (by the blacks by the way). These two losers are grasping at anything to pander to the minorities for the vote; key word minorities. If they got every minority to vote they would still lose. I agree we need to look forward and not back in some cases but Biden's point was differences aside he could work with these guys. Where the argument falls short is they were all of the same party...Democrat.


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