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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Thinks You’re Stupid

When you hear the term "concentration camp," what's the first thing you think of? The concentration of German nationals by Woodrow Wilson during World War One, right? Or maybe the forced concentration of the Whites by the Reds following the Finnish Civil War?

No. You think of the Holocaust of course, which is why it was quite irresponsible for Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to declare recently that the United States's "fascist government" (Is there a more self-defeating argument than calling the ruling regime "fascist" and facing zero consequences?) is operating "concentration camps." What the government is actually operating are detention facilities to deal with the surge in migrants crossing the Mexican border. To my knowledge, said detention facilities have not yet undertaken the genocide of millions.

So absurd is the comparison and insulting to actual Holocaust survivors that Ocasio-Cortez's only recourse—what with her deathly allergy to apology or self-reflection—was to double-down that teeeeeeechnically "concentration camp" is not synonymous with "death camp," so there.



  1. She also thinks there is an animal under the sink in her DC apartment that eats up the food scraps you push down the drain to feed it.

  2. The mindless musings of an idiot bar tender.

  3. Please do not insult bartenders by comparing any of them to AOC.

  4. AOC is a loose cannon with rash and brash commentary intended to get a rise which propels her into the spotlight. We bite and even though her point is ridiculous she is now considered to be "the new face of the DNC" and touted as the "real speaker" of the house. She is achieving her goal and getting as much attention as Trump with his bluster and corrosive rhetoric. She is too young to run for president but just you wait and see...Hillary on steroids.


  5. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Thinks You’re Stupid


    1. Sounds like you are mad at the world. Cortez is an attention getter. She has been bitten by the Democratic bug - power and more power. Just ignore her and all media comments and you will be happy again and stop calling people Stupid BIG TIME😠😠😑

  6. If I were a blue collar working Democrat I would quietly go to the Election Board next to Backstreet Grille, change my party to Republican and go to Backstreet for a cold beer and fries.

  7. I did something very similar in 2014

  8. A = Airhead
    B = On
    C= Crack

    She received two college degrees and was unable to get find a better job than her bartending job. That is until she became a Congresswoman. What a sad state of affairs we have representing American citizens.

    1. she lap danced in a homo sexual club

      met high ranking Congressman like Schumer there

  9. I would have that AOC's idea of a concentration camp is where people are sent to think really hard.

    1. Good oneπŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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