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Thursday, June 20, 2019


An Illinois state senator threatened to confiscate firearms from law-abiding gun owners in lieu of a fine, in a heated exchange captured on video.

The argument took place last week at a town hall hosted by Sen. Julie Morrison (D) during a discussion on SB107, which seeks to ban “assault weapons.”

After a man in the audience pointed out the law claiming “assault weapons” are “dangerous” was pointless because it allows people who pay a fine to keep their guns, Sen. Morrison responded by saying he’d changed her mind and she could now be leaning toward outright confiscation.

“You want me to turn them over to the state police unless I pay a fine for each firearm and register them, then I get to keep them,” the man asked Morrison.



  1. Come take em B... H

  2. Northwest Woodsman: Every time one of these Marxist democrat gun control proponents open their mouth about guns, they demonstrate their lack of knowledge and general stupidity on the subject. I’d venture a guess that they have never actually held a firearm and wouldn’t know the muzzle from the butt. Amazing how facts have no impact on their anti gun religious fervor.

  3. Woodsman,
    They aren’t ignorant about the topic.
    They are literally reading from the script written for them in Langley.

    Politics is a charade.

    The government MUST take the guns before the worthless US Dollar can be allowed to collapse.

    It is now laughable that so few Americans are knowledgeable about the counterfeit currency in use. Nobody said a word about the end of Breton Woods in 1971 by the criminal Nixon Administration.

    Americans are stupid

  4. AND, just like the British who deemed us criminals, which is what Demoncrats are doing now, we will not only keep our firearms, we will shoot those who come to try to take them.

    Pols won't be the ones who come to try to take them either. Cops and maybe some military will come if they are that dumb to try it. Some of you might have to shoot ppl you know. Can you do that? We shall see.

    If the 2A were ever dissolved, all our other rights would soon be gone, as the 2A protects and ensures we have rights. And remember this, it's not really about firearms other than we are able to defend ourselves and prevent total oppression which is what they really want to do away with.

    Disarming citizenry is always the first step to dominating the population and eliminating resistance. You might not think that could ever happen in the U.S.A. but just look at what they are trying to do now.

    Mooselimbs in our Congress/government, 15+ genders, immorality marching in our streets, throwing away our constitution in favor of foreign systems of law, etc. I don't think I have to enumerate each one. You people know what's going on or at least should know.

    Please prove me wrong. I do NOT want the ability to say 'I told you so.'

  5. Very well stated, Unknown 9:25 speaks the truth 100%
    Sacrifices will have to be made, lives will be lost, just like the Revolutionary War. The deep state must be destroyed or this is where we're headed. TRUMP 2020


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