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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Dianne Feinstein wants people to believe that AR-15s are bad for hunting and home defense

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) wants people to believe that the most popular rifle platform in the United States — the AR-15 or modern sporting rifle — is only good for shooting innocent people quickly, but not good for shooting game in the wild or protecting one's home.

In a tweet promoting a recent anti-gun op-ed that she wrote together with fellow gun control advocate Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) for Time, Feinstein said that "Guns like the AR-15 aren't used for hunting and they're not viable for home protection. They have only one purpose: fire as many rounds as possible, as quickly as possible."

This is a false claim both in terms of hunting and home defense.

There are several documented cases of law-abiding citizens using a modern sporting rifle to defend themselves and their families. A Townhall op-ed from columnist Scott Morefield has a list of 9 such incidents, just for starters. And despite what opponents of the rifle platform may say about it, the gun is actually very well-suited to home defense due to its lighter weight, lower recoil, and modularity that allows for things like enhanced optics.



  1. Get her old butt OUT of Congress !!!!! 2 term Limits !!!!

  2. Again, she is reading the script written for her in Langley

    Wake up folks


  3. And the aging, wealthy, entitled hypocrite has personally been packing heat for decades after the SF mayor shooting.

  4. Im all for gun rights but you are an idiot if uou think an AR15 is necessary for home defense or hunting. Dont get me wrong, I support the right to carry and hate how politicians try to demonize "scary guns" but the argument in this article is bogus.


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