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Wednesday, May 08, 2019

What's the Matter With Virginia?

LEXINGTON, Va. -- Clare Perry considers herself a Democrat. Grayson Pearce is a Republican. She's from Richmond, and he's from Virginia Beach. Despite holding opposing political values, they both have the same question: What is the matter with Virginia?

In particular, what's wrong with its politics?

A few months ago, in a cascade of disgraces, both Gov. Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring admitted to having worn blackface. Then, Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax was accused of sexual assault by two women.

Now the stories have seemingly disappeared from the front pages, or any pages, of the local news outlets.

For both Perry, 20, and Pearce, 19, the fact that all three controversies were left drifting in the wind is mind-boggling.



  1. Simple...the "acts" were committed by left wing liberals, and as such they get a pass. Young people need to understand the double standard and see how incredibly wrong this is. Accountability should be front and center and the truth be told.

  2. Could not have said it better.

  3. Virginia supports racist leaders...as long as they are Democrat.

  4. Here we go again Democrats letting Democrats off the hook.


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