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Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Trump should send migrants to Guantanamo

The word is out: if you want to cut the long line of people waiting legally to immigrate to America, just sneak across the southern border and ask for asylum. Every day now, Customs and Border Protection agents stop more than 3,000 people entering the U.S. illegally and the number has been trending upward rapidly. No one knows how many others slip through undetected.

Almost all of these people fail to meet the definition of a refugee, which is someone with a specific and well-founded fear of persecution in the place they are fleeing. But they have been coached to say the magic words necessary for arresting officers to begin a lengthy adjudication of whether or not they are bona fide refugees deserving asylum — which can take years. Thanks to permissive laws and activist progressive judges — especially those on the renegade Ninth Circuit based in San Francisco — the government must often release these asylum-seekers into America, after which most will evade authorities unless they are caught for another crime.

The Customs and Border Protection is completely overwhelmed. Its leaders have asked for help from the Pentagon, courts, and Congress to little avail. Progressive California judges continue to hand down rulings that tie the hands of the government across the entire southern border. The chances are nil that this Congress will pass any law that moves away from the open border many of its progressive members seemingly desire.

More here


  1. Why should illegal immigrants get to enjoy tropical weather for free? Send them to Nome or Barrow, Alaska instead.

  2. So we can pay for them there?

  3. We pay for everything all over the world people. We literally give away billions of dollars a year and it's considered the norm in today's political arena. Cut all the entitlement programs to all here in this country and abroad get our own affairs in order

  4. Darn strange how Pence and Trump pounded the podium and roared "They will NOT enter the US"!! How quickly everyone forgot.

  5. It's where the immigrants belong especially those with family members with drug and violence charges on their records. At least they will be watched 24/7 there we can't afford the expense or the man power here to house them, feed them, provide schools, and employ them at the expense of the Americans here.


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