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Thursday, May 02, 2019

WaPo Fact Checker Gives Biden ‘Four Pinocchios’ for Claiming Tax Cuts Only Benefitted Wealthy

The Washington Post‘s fact checker gave former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden a "Four Pinocchio" rating for comments he made about President Donald Trump's tax cuts only benefitting the rich.

"There's a $2 trillion tax cut last year. Did you feel it? Did you get anything from it? Of course not. Of course not. All of it went to folks at the top and corporations," Biden said during a campaign rally in Pittsburgh on Monday.

Glenn Kessler, the Post's fact checker, started his analysis of Biden's false claim by saying, "Here we go again. Democrats have long attacked President Trump's tax cut in misleading ways," adding that Biden's comment is a "whopper." He went on to say the biggest problem with Biden's claim is his "sweeping declaration" that all of the tax cuts benefitted the wealthy.



  1. I came out $1600+ ahead with decreased withholding and the new basic deduction.
    Maryland's taxes, however, took much of that away because they were too stupid (greedy) to adjust their tax to the Fed's scheme, as it had been for years and years. My congressman said that the state had a $170,000,000 "windfall" from the tax change, which means it took $170,000,000 too much from its taxpayers.

  2. A lot of his elite wealthy friends got hit hard by the tax cuts thats why him and other Dems hate them.


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