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Thursday, May 02, 2019

Graham Promises to Investigate Misconduct in 2016 Investigations of Trump, Clinton

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) said Wednesday he plans on using the powers of the Senate Judiciary Committee to investigate possible misconduct with the federal investigations into both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in 2016.

In his opening statement as committee chairman during a hearing to question Attorney General Bill Barr, Graham moved past Barr's handling of Robert Mueller's report to talk about the unfairness and possible corruption regarding 2016 investigations. Graham argued Clinton received favorable treatment due to blatant bias against Trump from politically motivated agents of the FBI, notably Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

"We're going to—in a bipartisan way, I hope—deal with Russia, but when the Mueller report is put to bed, and it soon will be, this committee is going to look long and hard into how this all started," he said.



  1. Graham has proven that he will do whatever and say whatever gets him in the limelight. In 2016 he called Trump crazy, a kook and not fit to be president. In 2017 he said "what concerns me about the press is this endless attempt to labelthe guy as some kind of kook not fit to be president"

    1. Well maybe he stopped listening to the liberal mediašŸ¤·‍♀️

  2. We remember when you had the cajones to stand up to Trump

  3. For the past 10 years republicans have been investigating democrats with no result cant trust them either.

  4. You mean the guy who admitted to not reading the Mueller report yet still declaring that it was "over"? Not sure if I trust him to manage a bowl of pudding. He is incapable as usual of putting country above party.

  5. At Least Graham is appalled by the assassination of Trump following the 2016 election that Dems can't come to terms with the outcome like we choked down when Clinton & Obama became presidents we may have not liked things but we did not go down the yellow brick road of 3 years of hatred and pure venom. Since 2016 the Dems and racists have torn down just about every Civil War statue they could find, and tore into our real history of how things were and twisted everything into racism and terror. They have never looked at the ways the laws have progressed to see that this country gets more from things being sold in this country now and taxed like we have had to overly pay for everything we ship out. Our uranium in this country was given away by the Clinton's to our enemys and they themselves profited from it. The Clinton Foundation is lined with $ they made which was illegal. The murders in Bengazi that lead straight to Hillary. Get to the facts GRAHAM KEEP RIGHT ON TILL YOU UNEARTH IT ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hillary lost the election if you did not hear.
    She and her campaign were indeed investigated.
    Is this Banana Republic political pay back?


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