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Thursday, May 02, 2019

Trump Jr: Don’t Risk The 2nd Amendment By Voting Democrat

The right to bear arms is sacred, and endowed by God to every citizen from birth.

Most Americans recognize that it’s not dependent on some old-fashioned notion about arming citizen militias. It’s a fundamental right that enables the people to maintain a check against the near-limitless power of government, which is granted by the people in the first place.

Democrats, particularly the field of 2020 presidential candidates, disregard our 2nd Amendment rights for political gain, demagoguing about violence and the illegal use of arms. If, Heaven forbid, one of these 2nd Amendment deniers were to win the White House in 2020, he or she would strip this sacred right from us without hesitation.

I had the pleasure of spending my weekend with some of the Americans most fervently committed to defending our 2nd Amendment rights at the NRA’s Annual Meeting in Indianapolis.



  1. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

  2. Anyone who still votes demoncrat is asleep or in a coma, everyone of them are satanic swamp scum!

  3. Hold up. I thought about already took all your guns. Lol

  4. Another fear tactic.
    But lets do nothing about the Russians invading our election system

  5. Well, factually, the opening of this article is patently and demonstrably false.

    Our right to bear arms is granted by the Constitution, a secular document written by men.

    In no document, does it say what the article asserts, that any rights are granted by any deity. In fact, Jefferson vehemently wrote how he opposed such an assertion and warned that it was even dangerous to assert so.

    There is wisdom in the second amendment, to limit it is foolish. We have this right to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government, just as the founder had to do to secure their independence. To forget that is also foolish.


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