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Thursday, May 02, 2019

Mark Kilmer Resigning From Wicomico County Council

I am writing to inform you that my family and I are moving out of Wicomico County at the end of June, which means I will have to resign my position on the Wicomico County Council. This resignation will be effective on June 15.

This wasn’t a decision that my family and I undertook lightly. However, family needs in Idaho have come to a point where I feel compelled to return there to assist with family issues. My immediate family is not a large one, and it is important that I return to help.

When running for re-election last year, I did not anticipate that this situation would arise. However, it has, and that means I must leave my position early. I certainly did not want to quit in the middle of the term, but my presence is needed with my family in Idaho.

It has been an honor to serve the people of Wicomico County over the past five years. There are many great people throughout District 2 who make up the backbone of our communities. I am saddened that my time serving them has to end, but I will always appreciate the trust they placed in me.


  1. You deserved our trust !!!
    You will be greatly missed!!
    Gods Blessing to you and your

  2. Sorry to lose you. Best wishes to you and your family.

  3. good decision, wico county is the eastern shores version of baltimore city get out now befor it turns to total crap.

  4. Marc,
    Safe travels and best of luck in Idaho. Thank you for your service to Wicomico County and Centennial Village.

  5. Sorry to loose such a distinguished person, you have been a real asset wish you well.


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