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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Why Couldn’t They Put Out the Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral?

Firefighters stood helpless to stem the blaze Monday at Notre Dame Cathedral, likely because of Gothic engineering techniques that waterproofed the roof, consigning it to destruction.

The roof and spire of Notre Dame were all but doomed to burn once flames began to spread, possibly begun by a renovation accident,
according to Ted Henderson, who studied archaeology at Dartmouth College. Henderson said a Gothic engineering technique used to waterproof the top of the cathedral involved placing a lead sheet roof over a wooden truss structure on top of the groin vault that served as the ceiling of the cathedral’s nave.

The wooden truss became highly flammable as it dried over hundreds of years, but was completely sealed from the outside by the lead sheets, and therefore impervious to firefighters’ efforts to douse the flames with water, Henderson said.

“So the wood catches on fire and it’s not actually exposed to the outside of the building anywhere,” Henderson told The Daily Caller News Foundation.



  1. If it was a Synagogue they would have put it out. Ditto if it was a Mosque. Just sayin’ . . .

  2. Wow 108, you sure do assume a lot for someone who has clearly never been to France. By suggesting that, you are stating, that the French fire brigade stood down and watched it burn? Stop acting like a liberal.

  3. 3:18
    The news said it was almost 2 hours before they started to fight the fire. They never said why though. I found it odd. Even watching videos of it there were no firemen around for a long time.

  4. They probably haven't put out a fire on 1000 year old wood before.

  5. '...it was almost 2 hours before they started to fight the fire..."

    I have lived in France and can tell you like it is. Fire fighters are public employees. When public employees are on their mandated rest period or work break they are forbidden to return to work before their break is over. When on break they may not be near their work station or any equipment used in their job. Workers are forbidden to run or hurry on the job lest they incur injuries. There are many other silly requirements for public employees but I'm sure you get the idea.

  6. Considering the island location and unique structure I think they did what they could. Very modern fire brigade. We should have such.


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