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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Pelosi Admits She Defended Ilhan Omar’s 9/11 Remarks Without Knowing What Was Said

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Tuesday admitted that she does not know the content of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) recent remarks about 9/11 — despite offering a full-throated defense of the freshman congresswoman in the wake of criticism from President Donald Trump.

“I don’t think the congresswoman is anti-Semitic. I wouldn’t even put those in the same category,” Pelosi told interviewer Christiane Amanpour in Ireland. “We have no taint of that [anti-Semitism],” she added. “And just because they want to accuse somebody of that doesn’t mean that we take that bait.”

Pelosi also dismissed criticisms that she hasn’t done enough to defend Omar, conceding, “Until I talk to somebody, I don’t even know what was said.”



  1. They're very afraid.

  2. She's losing it more every day.

  3. Now she knows why Americans were and still are mad about ACA/Obamacare.


  4. Translation: She was for John Kerry before she was against him. Or something sorta similar.

  5. "You, uh, have to read it to see what's in it"....Nancy not following her own advice...

  6. A useless talking head!

  7. She needs to step down. She has really become full of herself. She equates her status that of the President. She is another embarrassment to the country.

  8. This woman is elected to the position of Speaker of the House and could, God forbid, become president, but she comments about things without knowing what was said, votes to pass laws without knowing what is in them. What kind of fools keep electing her to office. Oh sorry, I forgot her district includes that toilet city San Francisco.


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