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Wednesday, April 03, 2019

This Is The Face Of A Man Getting Pulled In The Seventh Inning Of A No-Hitter

It didn’t take too long for the Baltimore Orioles, who came into this season with one of the most clown-ass rosters ever assembled in the history of clown-ass rosters, to do away with whatever good will might have been earned by taking two of three from the Yankees to open the season. They did so by yanking a shot at a no-hitter right out of second-year pitcher David Hess’s hands.

Hess no-hit the Toronto Blue Jays for 6.1 innings last night, and after retiring the first batter of the seventh inning, he was pulled from the game by O’s manager Brandon Hyde. Hess had thrown just 82 pitches in the game, and he couldn’t hide the shock on his face as Hyde came striding towards him.
As Hyde explained after the game, Hess was pulled with such a low pitch count because he had thrown 42 pitches in relief on Opening Day. Hyde said that he “hated to do it,” but argued that he made the move to protect his pitcher’s health.



  1. Nonsense, he wasn’t going to get a no hitter, though I do think he should have finished the inning. Save his arm, he has potential to be a nice accessory piece on the team they are building.

  2. Why do the Orioles even have a team?

  3. It was the right move. He had already thrown 82 pitches. He wasn't going to make it another 2.2 innings.

  4. maybe once that sleezy money grubbing lawyer dies someone will take over the orioles and actually put a winning product on the field! shame what angelos has done to this once storied franchise!

  5. when will you people learn that ALL professional sports teams and games are fixed kayfabe dramas. In the old days, a town (or a factory in the town) would have a team of regular folks playing other regular folks. All sports were armatures. Professional sports were an invention of progressives to keep men entertained rather then have them exercise themselves.

    1. 8:50- Take off the tin foil hat and log off.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It was the right move. He had already thrown 82 pitches. He wasn't going to make it another 2.2 innings.

    April 3, 2019 at 7:58 AM

    How the Hell do you know?

  7. Anonymous said...
    maybe once that sleezy money grubbing lawyer dies someone will take over the orioles and actually put a winning product on the field! shame what angelos has done to this once storied franchise!

    April 3, 2019 at 8:07 AM

    I can't stand those libtard Angelos crooks and they can't stand me.. LMAO!!

  8. 12:19 Based on probability and past performance. Something you obviously lack knowledge of since you made such a ridiculous comment. Hess had 2 complete games in his life back 3 years ago when he was in AA. He threw 8 pitches to his last batter in the 7th to take him to 82. He threw a total of 24 pitches in the 5th and 6th. Modern day pitchers rarely go past 100 pitches.

  9. Poor management, they are afraid he'll become famous too fast & steal the thunder from their high dollar pitchers

  10. Good move. His individual stats don’t matter. Os are trying to build a team to compete in two years if not longer.
    Save that arm youngin


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