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Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Judge Rules Calif. Magazine Confiscation Law Unconstitutional

A federal judge struck down California's ban on the possession of magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. On Friday Judge Roger T. Benitez of the District Court for the Southern District of California ruled the confiscation effort is unconstitutional.

"California Penal Code Section 32310, as amended by Proposition 63, burdens the core of the Second Amendment by criminalizing the acquisition and possession of these magazines that are commonly held by law-abiding citizens for defense of self, home, and state," he wrote. "The regulation is neither presumptively legal nor longstanding. The statute hits at the center of the Second Amendment and its burden is severe. When the simple test of Heller is applied, a test that persons of common intelligence can understand, the statute fails and is an unconstitutional abridgment. It criminalizes the otherwise lawful acquisition and possession of common magazines holding more than 10 rounds—magazines that law-abiding responsible citizens would choose for self-defense at home."



  1. Dear California,

    Can Maryland borrow your judge for a little while?

    Maryland Residents

  2. Maryland is controlled by Democrats and if they could they would ban guns all together.

    1. personal experienceApril 3, 2019 at 5:26 PM

      they have Narsacist Little Lewis and his key stone cops

      to beat your doors down, and threaten to shoot your family dog...
      to take your guns without due process

      per fraudulent Restrainig order

  3. AH AH They got kick in the junk.

  4. Too many activist judges in Maryland that have agendas set by liberal donors.


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