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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Bokhari: Amazon Is on a Digital Book Burning Spree

Under pressure from left-wing journalists and activists, Amazon is purging right-wing authors from its store, including a book co-authored by English Islam critic and independent commentator Tommy Robinson.

The web retail giant has become the dominant market player in book sales, accounting for nearly 50 percent of physical and 83 percent of e-book sales in the U.S. As such, Amazon has the power to effectively cut an author off from the vast majority of the books market.

Amazon began its new round of purges by targeting the white nationalist fringe. In February, the tech giant banned a number of books from white identitarian Jared Taylor, and a book called The White Nationalist Manifesto by Greg Johnson.

This followed bans on Holocaust revisionist books in 2017, and a purge of all books by controversial pickup blogger and author Daryush “Roosh” Valizadeh in 2018.

In 2010, Amazon refused to take down a book defending pedophilia on first amendment grounds.



  1. Look guys, they're refusing to sell your alt right crap because it's ridiculous, inspires hate and most of the time contains no factual information. If only they would have done the same thing in Germany circa 1938

  2. Then a gap in the marketplace has just opened up and created an opportunity for a new and better business model.

  3. It's a business not a Library. Content is public relations. There's no porno or gay literature in Christian books stores and that is their prerogative. Just when did people assume and believe everything on the internet was free speech and free commerce. I been at this since you had to know code. There were no pictures few blogs and no commerce and now that it's become a Tower of Babel people would like to exercise public rights that really do not apply to what has become a commercial venture. They should be as butt hurt and concerned about their air and water quality in the REAL world and not so much about what's online. I did not even type this I dictated it to an AI appliance my house is wired with. EAT IT.

  4. LOL! The party that demands bakers bake cakes when they don't want to all of sudden believes in free enterprise! When did this happen?

  5. bet you can still get books about luciferianism

  6. Amazon is a monopoly and needs to be broken up. 12: 19 is full of crap. All the hate speech is coming from the liberal mind set democrats and none of their books are being banned!

  7. ooh look at 12:19.

    Calling stuff they disagree with "alt right."

    Awwww. Are the words of another person scary to you? Do you need a safe space? Just grab your teddy and crawl under the covers.

    People like you are dangerous. You are so blinded by TDS you will call millions of people nazi's, some of whom actually fought against them.

    You most likely are the product of the public school system where you're taught to hate the white man and all white men are nazi's.

    I feel sorry for you and anybody that has to come in contact with such an intolerant and freedom hating person such as yourself.

    I hope when the time comes, you're right out in front leading the charge.

  8. Guarantee 12:19 is a Public School Indoctrinated Snowflake...Alt.Right is a joke...You're probably too young to realize what you call Alt.Right used to be good morals, character and NORMAL...YOU have gone Alt.Left and we the people are still NORMAL...


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